I'm officially an old guy at 24 yo. I am staying home tonight and got to pass out candy to the neighborhood kids because I have 2 flights tomorrow. It was actually pretty cool to see this whole night happen from the other side of the door. I'm a little excited to some day have that cool house on the street with all the scary decorations and music and pumpkins and such. I also threw together a homemade nerd costume at the last minute, which turned out pretty good. Got a lot of compliments from the milfs around here, which I discovered, are plentiful.
I thought for sure the Jersey Shore and Lady Gaga retard bullshit would be the most played out costume this year. Rolled snake eyes on that one. Every fucking place I look it's Super Mario Brothers. I've seen DOZENS today, kids but especially adults. What's the deal? The game came out in 1985, was it? What makes this year so special? Only two Don Drapers so far. I thought every guy desperate to get laid would be walking around in a grey suit, with smoke in one hand and douchebag scotch tumbler in the other trying to look cool.
By the time I got home last night, I was a fucking color palette of nasty emotion. I went from manically depressed to unrealistically optimistic and back, before dazedly watching "High Fidelty" on my laptop and falling asleep in one of my good t-shirts. Woke up at noon. Life.
Life is good. I intended to add some devil horns to my outfit, but couldn't find any that were just plain and simple. They were either barettes or some stupid shit. Anyway, happy anniversary to us, we've been married a year tomorrow Spoiler .
It's martini me! I add lime to make it palatable. I think next year I really will go as Sydney Bristow. Red hair and glowering.
Plus it gives you an excuse to cockpunch anyone you don't like. On Halloween any actions that are "in-character" are totally allowed.
I'm drunk. Pizza Luce. Word. EDIT: I hate working my life. I cant see straight. Booze helps. Phweeeew
And we're off to the Great White North to go blow the crap out of woodland creatures and kill brain cells. See you in a week..
Does anyone want to know a fun new fact that I just discovered at 4:30 am while drunk? This is it: Don't stand withing 2 feet of a sealed coke bottle full of dry ice and water! We thought it was a dud...thank God the camping chair was there to take the brunt of the blow. My ear drums weren't so lucky.
My last clear memory of last night involved sitting in a chair on my lawn, rifle in one hand and beer in the other, staking out the armadillo that's been tearing up my yard. I'm not sure if I killed it or not, but there are a bunch of spent casings next to the chair so I'm thinking maybe. I have no clue how I got into bed.
Remember THIS ARTICLE about 4 Loko being mistaken for date rape drugs? Natch, I picked up about 6 cans of this crap. I remember my entire night like a fucking music video: quick cuts and blurry, shaky cam. Right now my heart is FUCKING POUNDING. Pro: I spent maybe 20 bucks on myself and 4 people. Con: I think I'm having a heart attack. My phone's dialed list is almost everyone in the goddamn contact list. It doesn't log text messages either so the last thing written was "Ig phssed of a bunch of lesbgans because i said scrotum. wtf?" No hangover. My head is fine, but all my limbs are shaking. I don't do caffeine at all so this is wrecking my shit. All in all, this was money terribly (read as: well) spent. It's fucking meth in a can.
Holy crap dude. My heart is racing just reading that. That article is some good publicity though, and I imagine Four Loko has the underage market cornered with that shit. A dude last night was drinking those caffeinated beers, and I was tempted to try one. But I drink beer to calm down, and it seems like the beer and the caffeine would basically cancel each other out, no?
Ever done cocaine? This is better. At a fraction of the cost. I'm in bed most nights by 12. It was after 5 when I calmed down enough to sleep. Awake at 9:30. I could run to Georgia right now I feel so fucking juiced. When I mix booze and stimulants it sends me into this semi-conscious state akin to lucid dreaming. Blackout awake drunk. That make sense? This is a terribly immature drink. I totally see why people were dropping like flies.