I had to watch a baby pageant today. I do not understand the idea behind judging infants based on "brightest eyes" or "calmest baby". It seems wrong to me. Equally wrong was watching my friend having a meltdown when her 9-month-old daughter didn't win. Wine? Why, yes, I think wine is most certainly in order.
I clicked it without looking at the post. That's a dude getting railed by another dude. With that said, you never really stop to think about the physics of gay sex unless it's forced into view by random NSFW tags you don't figure to be anything but hot tits and ass. It's disturbing to see that guys dick just flapping around like a fish on a hook. I can't imagine any scenario where that would not be awkward to see from the fuckee's perspective. Weed really does make everything more interesting.
Me, three. But I just broke the seal on a brand new bottle of Makers. Things could get interesting, or I'll be asleep within two hours.
Accomplishment: drove a standard car for the first time without so much as grinding a gear. May have been way too rev-happy, but that's the motorcyclist in me. Also, went car shopping. Found a nice little Mazda 3. I want it! And the salesman said that they were selling that model (it was a 2010) like hotcakes and it wasn't even a prior rental and they've sold 19 cars today and the manager wanted to sell 20! What an honest fellow. I don't know why these car salesmen get a bad reputation.
Somewhere, an insurance company just got an erection at the premium they would charge on a 22 year old male driving a mazdaspeed anything. Not that I wouldn't like to have a speed 3, but frankly, I just don't care that much about my car having tons of performance vs. being economical. If I want to have fun on the road, I think my bike will let me have far more fun than any car will (legally, at any rate). It was a plain old 3 hatchback, but with a six speed gearbox.
I'm watching 9th Company on Netflix. If this film is even remotely accurate, the Soviet army was fucking insane.
All of my friends are at a wedding tonight, the GF is off with her friends at the bar, for their monthly girls night out and my other friends are working tomorrow. This is a strange thing for me, not having anything to do. The worst part is, I've stopped drinking and smoking weed. I now have to be creative on how to find something to do.
I would just like to compliment Blue Dog on leaving out the vowel in "DR_NK" thread this week, thus making it equally appropriate for both Brits and Americans (I presume if the board were British, it would be a DRINK THREAD rather than a DRUNK THREAD).
Well, it is a Canadian board, so I think somewhere within the title there should be an "A". Spoiler "A" is pronounced like "eh". Remember, stereotypes save time and effort!
This feels like an English lesson. And who teachers English lessons? Teachers. Spoiler I would misbehave in both their classes.