Boy some house guests just don't know when to stop fighting the sandman and leave. I guess they missed the hint of "I'm fallin g asleep on the floor talking to you guys. Please, have mercy!!" I have that 4-5 beer buzz that doesn't make you drunk, doesn't glow, but makes you feel warm and sluggish. All that matters now is when the indicas harvest. Then, it will be a good fall. Provided no slimy shit steals them again.
Guests that don't get the hint are a pain. Last time we had people who wouldn't leave, I got up, went to the door, put on my coat and shoes and said, "Well, it's about time for me to be going, I'm exhausted." "But it's your house." "Oh, right. I must be more tired than I thought!" It made the point.
Or, set the drapes on fire with a Zippo lighter and then cackle madly at them. Might make them look at their watch a little sooner.
For that matter, just drop trow and take a shit in the middle of the living room. I mean, if we're going for drama, might as well really make a statement.
I'm catching up on this year's Master Chef, and I just heard what may be my favorite phrase ever. One girl said to the other girl, "This is it, put your nuts on now." PUT YOUR NUTS ON NOW. Fucking brilliant, and I will tell that to my friends any time they pussy out on anything.
Sorry to bring the gay .gif mood down but since I'm a big sucker for patriotism RIP those that died on 9/11. God bless America. As they said on United 93, "Let's Roll."
What a great day... spent most of it catching trout in my lake, and enjoyed an awesome bbq of a couple slow cooked rotisserie chicken with some home made Jamaican jerk spiced and amazing garlic mashed potatoes. Just got in from the fire pit on the dock where we killed a couple bottles of nice wine and had a nice cigar. Just finished watching the Rugby World Cup opening ceremonies, and have the New Zealand / Tonga game ready to watch. The only downside was a bat that thought he'd come inside for a bit, but he's found his way out without any drama.
I'm asking this right at the tail end of a shitty relationship, so be kind. How weird is it to purchase masturbation tools? I mean, like, not a fleshlight, or anything i can work with my hand. If I was gonna do that work with my hand, why church it up? Not as far as blow up dolls or inflatable sheep, either. How embarrassing might it be to buy a molded pornstar vagina? Cause I'm this fuckin close, after the girl dumped me. I remembered what sex was like, and suddenly jerking off wasn't enough. I felt a real need to stick it in something. How pathetic would I be if I bought Jenna Jameson's pussy, in molded rubber?
Just print out a picture of the face that owns the pussy and bust your load on it for the full porn actor experience.