Those are going for $5000 on Ebay right now. Fucking retarded. On another note, 8 beers deep plus 3 Baby Guinness shots (gay shot, I know) makes me want to listen to this:
How many times do we have to have this discussion? 1. Everything that Rush-O-Matic said. 2. Give it a few days, and then YOU call HIM. None of this, "I'll wait for the guy to pursue ME!" and then the "Why don't men ever CALL?!" stuff. Like Harry Coolahan said in the thread about this very thing, a simple, "I really enjoyed our date and I'd love to see you again," will suffice. Ball's in his court then. PLUS, even if he's not interested you will know and he will be flattered and think fondly of you. 3. HE'S A GUY. He point blank said why he wasn't calling. Do you want to know what men are thinking when they aren't speaking? Here: Spoiler He's not artfully dodging your question. $10 says he meant exactly what he said and thought no further about it. Image meant in the kindest way possible.
So everyone is outta town next week and I'm going to have the house all to myself. ...Who wants to party?
I did not see any celebrities at this "world premiere" screening I went to. Not that there were any celebrities in this film, mind you. Well, none any of us would recognize, it was a French film made by some Italian dude shot in Algeria. My girlfriend's response "I'm just so used to seeing Transformers films, I was expecting someone to try to blow them up." She says this about a film based on a book written by Albert Camus. Fuck.
1. I already did that. I'm just trying to avoid crossing the line from "girl who can ask a guy out" to "girl who badgers guys into going out again." That line seems very thin. 2. Harry Coolahan is my best friend and ex. Everything he learned about dealing with the opposite sex in a non-dickish way, he learned from me. Anywayy, I realized the mind spiral was simply because I was bored and my brain had nothing else to do but obsess. So I watched some porn. Problem solved. Also, the dominating topic of ass these past few weekends has got me thinking a lot about what my type of butt is. My conclusion is that if you put your hands flat right where the thigh meets ass, there has to be something resting on them for it to be a good one. Example: That one's basically the ideal for me. Others: Spoiler That last one's a bit small, but it's still cute. (Edit: WOW, but that picture is not small.)
If I may chime in. Keep in mind that I have several beers in me and am slightly pissed off since I had to break up a fight which lead me to having to leave the bar I was at, so now I have Mizzou-ASU in the background here at my place. Whatever, at least here I have Stacy's Pita Chips. For one thing, it was a first date. Of course he seemed great, and wonderful, or whatever. People for the most part put on their best face forward on a first date and don't start putting their dick in the mashed potatoes until the third date, or fourth if you're trying to be classy. It annoys me a bit when people get upset or overjoyed over how a first date went. Yes, first dates can be pleasant, but if things don't progress any further, even if it was great, my response is usually a shrug. Secondly, that long of a time between texts tells me he's not interested. It's not that hard to just fire off a text, even if it's just to say your suggestions are great but he's too busy at that moment. I know that if I'm interested in someone I'll usually find some way to make plans work, even if it's a quick bite, and I will at the very least respond to a text in a timely fashion. From my own observations, a lot of guys don't like confrontation, so they'd rather just let something die off than to come right out and say that they're not interested. Also, while you could keep trying to make plans or call him or whatever, I'm actually still old school in the mentality that it's the guy's place to make the forward move. Look at it this way, either he's not interested, or he's too much of a pussy to pick up the phone and make plans himself. I don't think either option is really appealing. Well, for now I'm going to heat up the chicken enchilada one of the girls at work made for me. Also, I know I cannot post in the WDT thread without bringing the eye candy, so...
I must have missed this picture. Just an observation, but if you decide on the motorcycle and keep that do' people are going to start thinking your a diesel dyke, particularly if you get a Harley. That's fine if you're cool with it otherwise you'll be cracking a lot of skulls between those steel buns of yours.* * The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are not endorsed or represent the feelings of the TiB network or any member but the commentator...
I've been working since 8 AM. It is now 11:30 PM. My boss won't stop fucking with IIS so I can't start moving mailboxes over to the new mail server. I don't drink a lot, but I'm praying for a quick finish so I can start drinking and fuck my girlfriend. In short, fuck IT in the asshole.
God damn it my wife can be such a fucking idiot. We are staying at her brother's place while we wait for our apartment to be ready, and our niece and nephew are now sick. I told her: "We need to be careful. You aren't re-registered in the health care system for another 3 weeks because you have been away for too long, and it will be another 4 weeks before I am registered in. If we get sick and have to go to the doctor we have to pay out the ass. You can get reimbursed after 6 months, but I am shit out of luck." So what has she done in the past 30 minutes? Sat at the kids table to eat breakfast, and then when the niece asked "Can you do French Braids?" instead of saying "no, I haven't done them in a decade and can't remember" she went with: "I can try", and is now braiding a sick kids hair. Fuck it, she is being locked in the cellar for my own good.
If I can chime in, Monroe, I have to disagree with everyone else. You need to obsess and text him until he explains what's wrong with you. There are 15, maybe 20 guys in that city, and most of them probably suck. You're not going to find another dude who meets the lofty ideals of "decent" and "not boring", so you might as well figure out how to trick this one. Have you tried sending him naked pictures? Or finding out where he hangs out and doing Yoga there? Egg yolks aside, if somebody doesn't text me back within a couple days of a reasonable time frame (if they're a heavy traveller, or something, I give it more leeway), I just delete their number and all the texts from them. Most of the time it makes it easier not to obsess or text them while bored/drunk. Plus, sometimes they do text later, and then I get to feel like Sherlock Holmes minus the pipe and latent homosexuality. The pipe, at least.
Ah, giving great advice that people ignore is my forte. Audrey, I'm going to keep it really simple. I need you to do one thing, and one thing only. Focus. Really focus here. He's not that interested. Period. Yes, I know, you're now in the process of 'breaking down the date' and conducting the 'post date autopsy.' But you know what? Despite the fact that women feel it necessary to over-analyze every single word and gesture and text, you're wasting your time. If he were interested, he'd let you know. His silence is telling you exactly what he thinks and that is he's not interested. Next. Trust me on this, but I know you won't. Just do me this courtesy, please share whatever crazy cockamamie set of circumstances you have constructed that explains away the obvious, because it will probably (at the very least) help Wily E. Coyote come up with another crazy plan to catch the uncatchable roadrunner. I'd say 'Sorry to be so blunt' but you asked for observations. So there's mine.
I just finished my yearly read of Dune last week. Last night I started to watch Avatar, and I think the only thing that film can be congratulated on is the sheer audacity it took to rip off of Frank Herbert so thoroughly. Oh, and here's me finally making a real contribution to the WDT.