The pretty naked girl aside, this is a very pretty song. I like her voice. Her boobs aren't bad either. And it's a touching song.
I ran out of gingerale and have nothing but milk, Diet Coke, and cherry Kool Aid in the fridge. Would mixing the gin with the Diet Coke be high treason against alcohol, or can I get away with a petty crime?
Too late, it's already been poured, and I'll be damned if I'll dump it down the sink. The next drink however, will be the juice. The aspartame of the Diet Coke and the sweetness of the gin is not a pleasant combination.
Nope, fuck it. On further reflection brought about by a tentative, cringe inducing sip, this shit is going down the drain.
And this is why I drink my booze straight. Currently finishing off the Evan Williams. Only about a finger to go... I think I started with a hand, but I don't really remember.
A crazy wedding I D.J.'ed tonight. It;s more fun when the bride's family and the groom's family get along and don't actually despise each other. Some dude paid me $50 to play Bruce Springsteen. Yeah. That's like paying a guy to have sex with a Hawaiian Tropic model. One complaint: How many times did I have to play Yeah x3 by "Fists" Brown tonight? Yep. Three. Seriously? There's tens of thousands of songs out there. I can think of ten that sound just like that one.
Try watching 100 middle aged white people hump-dance to Strokin'. Sober. Spoiler Death to Clarence Carter. You see, this is why they invented weed. To push memories like this the fuck OUT.
I just love how Canadians can just make up holidays whenever they want. Its not like they have anything else to do during the week other than watching snow melt and being polite to each other.
I am stuck in traffic again, but this time I'm sunburnt and happy. I took tomorrow off too to make it an extra long weekend. Only a finger in my ass can make this holiday complete.
Roxanne repped me: And she was right, for the price I paid for those bottles they were quite tasty. Dunno how I feel about the pinot noir but the merlot and cabernet are going to be regular purchases.
If you get drunk and accidentally spill/break something, is it bad form to let your retarded cousin take the blame? I mean it's not like anyone is really mad at him, right?
Sleeping with your best friend's ex fiancee is 100% acceptable under two conditions only. 1. The best friend has been dead for at least three years. 2. The best friend has given you permission, and even then, don't do it.
I think he should just say fuck it and just do it, I mean it seems pretty clear he cares more about getting his pencil wet than he does about being a good friend.
I've never been in a position to fuck a friend's ex, but how does he still have a claim on her after they're no longer together? Shouldn't he just quit being a bitch and get the fuck over her?