Just getting in from a weeked of sun (which was awesome, considering thunderstorms were the prediction) and white water rafting. I didn't think it was possible to have so much fun in a wetsuit, but seeing the sheer look of terror in my husband's eyes when he flipped ass over tea kettle out the back of the raft was totally worth the money.
Yes. But, it's stuff that was going to clear your system on its own, so there's no net loss for shitting your pants, you're just speeding it up. Food getting through your system faster though does mean you absorb less of it, since more and more is absorbed the longer is sits in there. Also, fun fact for whoever was asking earlier about needing to shit, and then not shitting, and wondering where it went. The urge to shit was probably from a build up of gas, not fecal matter. Your intestines will absorb farts if they stay in too long, the gas will go through your blood stream, be deposited into your lungs, and exhaled.
Not necessarily. I shat the bed with a girlfriend in it, and she thought it was funny. And I'll save Nettdata the trouble: Yes, my mom was horrified over cleaning the sheets and mattress pad.
When you're fucking a girl who thinks shitting the bed is funny, you probably don't have much dignity left to lose.
What kind of twisted world do you live in where wearing pants while defecating preserves your dignity?
The real question is why you shit your pants. Too proud to use a public toilet of average cleanliness? Loss of dignity. Sick and unconscious at the time? Hilarious. Laughing so hard you shit yourself? Hilarious, and loss of dignity.
And now there are fireworks. Take note, republicans: if you had your way, we wouldn't be celebrating the monarch's official birthday tomorrow and therefore would have no excuse for a long weekend / fireworks / drunkenness. That said I've been doing shitty things the last three Victoria Days. Studying, travelling, training. One day I'll get to enjoy my statutory holidays.
Yeah, you'd be celebrating your independence with a far superior long weekend of fireworks and drunkenness. USA! USA! USA!
Let me get this straight, you knew you were going to be in a car with your parents behind the wheel for EIGHT HOURS and you didn't put scotch in an opaque container to drink during the ride? Shit I wouldn't even go two hours without that. You are a failure at life.
While I'm all for July 4th and all...you are aware that the Canadians do this as well, yes? And Frank, I have no excuses, just complaints.
All that edumacation and you don't have an ounce of fuckin' smahts, lotta good that did ya college boy.