What. The. Fuck? http://www.ajc.com/news/clayton/riverdale-cops-teacher-urinated-951016.html Substitute teacher takes a piss in a trash can in the classroom while students are there. I guess it is rapture time.
Well, the only evidence they have is piss in a can and word of mouth from a few school kids. He's been with the district for a long time without incident and then all of a sudden whips it out and starts pissing in a trash can with a full classroom? I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's a mean sub, one of those little shits did and framed him.
You have to fuck the clone soon after the cloning, before it begins to develop a separate identity. Otherwise, you're not fucking yourself, you're fucking your twin, which is gay and incestuous. ...Not that there's anything wrong with either of those things.
Even if it is an exact clone of you, in the end that is some other dude, and you're fucking him. Edit: Of course they wrote about this at Cracked.com.
Anyone here ever written for Cracked and know (1) How much they pay, and (2) How hard it is to get them to actually pay you?
In my ignorance, I had NO clue that this existed, but somehow I feel we all need to get in on it. I shouldn't have to explain why. I don't even care what their ideology is; I'm willing to bet it's not a fraction of the awesome that it could be.
Other than the obvious Four Horsemen, are there good rapture themed drinks? Mephisto absinthe comes to mind, and in light of the recent devastation in Alabama, the Alabama Slammer could work. Or, add Bacardi 151 to the Alabama Slammer to make a 151 Tornadoes.
No, I've written for College Humor, which hasn't paid me yet. I haven't written for Cracked, which is why I'm curious as to what they pay and if they actually cut checks.
Just went into the oven: flatbread pizza with red clam sauce, more clams, chorizo, and parmesan. Already went into my stomach: bloody mary. End of the world: Bring it.
Here's a fantastic fucking article I found in my FB feed, linked by Tim Ferriss: The Blind Man Who Taught Himself To See That's pretty goddamned inspiring.