When discussing the power of hearing versus sight, they leave out how quickly ears process data versus eyes. Your eyes see about 12 times a second, which is why a movie projected at 20 frames per second appears to be a fluid motion. Music being played at an equivalent rate would sound awful, because we hear about 10,000 times a second.
Am I the only dude on the planet that has always thought (even from childhood) that professional wrestling is fucking lame?
I need a drink. I just found out that I am going to be an Aunt. My brother is going to be a daddy. 2011 has got to be one of the most stressful years ever.
I work with/for the blind on a daily basis. What I've discovered is that there is a lot of opposition to using echolocation, both by blind individuals and various advocacy groups like the National Federation of the Blind. In both instances (from what I can tell), there is a hesitation to adopt echolocation because of perception. Many blind people feel that they stick out enough without walking around clicking at everything. While many are like Kish, victims of a disease or condition that only affected the eyes, there are countless others for whom blindness is among a slew of other things the person might deal with (mental health issues, physical limitations, severe social anxiety disorders, et al). It is because of this that advocacy groups like the NFB push back against these types of mobility training in favor of more simple strategies (using the cane, moving about in memorized routes) that would appeal to everyone. The problem, as Kish states, is that these classic mobility tools really only give the person limited independence--they make the box bigger without removing the box entirely. I tend to agree with him.
Nope. And I grew up with Maple Leaf Wrestling, when it was REAL. And there was only one great wrestler, ever. Jimmy "SuperFly" Snuka.
After reading the details of the Macho Man's death it's good to see that he applied the principles of his most famous ad campaign to his daily life. His seat belt was fastened, ergo he SNAPPED INTO IT!!!
I sent a text message to my brothers to let them know of Macho Man's passing. My youngest brother's response: "Ohhhhh Nooooo"
As mentioned earlier pranks should be good and hilarious this weekend. Consider this...http://skippyslist.com/2011/05/19/fun-for-everybody/#more-4301. I think people would laugh pretty hearty if they found this posted to their door at anytime this weekend.
"Snap into a tree limb, OHHHH YYEEEEEEEEEHHHHH." Fuck it. Bring on the rapture. A world without Macho Man and neon tassels is a cold one not worth living in.
Does anyone remember The Macho Man's rap music? I don't know if mentioning this would honor him or besmirch his good name, but here it is anyway. EDIT: Cracked mentioned the first song in the article: "The 15 most baffling boasts in the history of rap." Read it here: http://www.cracked.com/article/88_the-15-most-baffling-boasts-in-history-rap/ The picture of Hulk Hogan in the article is priceless.
The Onion is the best. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.theonion.com/articles/planned-parenthood-opens-8-billion-abortionplex,20476/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.theonion.com/articles/planne ... lex,20476/</a>
So, let me get this straight. If there's an earthquake or some phenomenon that happens in New Zealand at 2AM tonight, then the preface of rapture is true. Please educate, I need to plan accordingly.
Monty Hall Boob Problem: Door #1 Spoiler Door #2 has a goat behind it. Would you rather switch to Door #3? NSFW Door #2 Spoiler Door #3 has a goat behind it. Would you rather switch to Door #1? NSFW Door #3 Spoiler Door #1 has a goat behind it. Would you rather switch to Door #2? NSFW Solution: Spoiler They all have boobs! End of the world, baby, no time to dick around with probability! Here's more boobs:
Wtf is that indention beneath her nipple? I have never seen anything like that before. My boob.gif contribution: Spoiler
Waiting on Comcast to show up and connect my cable/Internet. Why do they always seem to come towards the end of the window? I've parked myself in this apartment for almost two hours. That in itself isn't a bad thing, but when the A/C is broken and it's 85 degrees inside...it gets old quickly. The cherry on top is I'll get to drive to my parents' house during rush hour. I shouldve brought alcohol. A cold one sounds heavenly right now. Wheeeee!