Seconded. It's like people can't wait until a day I don't have a hangover to mow their lawns around here. Christ Almighty, just get a fucking goat or capybara or something quiet like that.
Off the top of my head? The extremely annoying Greek bitch at the office who absolutely doesn't know how to control the volume of her stupid voice.
I've ranted about my crazy-ass neighbor before. He was out mowing again today. By my count, that is the 4th time this week. He has also mowed several neighbors yards, and the entire vacant lot next to his house. He followed that up by washing his cars, and his bus (yes, this mother fucker has a small bus in front of his house). Oh, and when he isn't doing that, he has a drum set in his garage that he likes to bang around on. Not play, because he can't play. Just randomly bang them to no discernible beat. Oh, and he likes to stare at us when we do anything outside, or when we leave or come home. I hate my neighbor. On a completely unrelated note, the wife and I finally got around to doing some yard work. Bought some potted flowers for the porch, some solar lights to line the walk from the driveway to the porch, and I got me a new weed whacker. I can finally get all that tall grass around the fence line that I neglect because we were too poor to get one before. Meanwhile, she is pulling all the weeds in the rocks/landscaping around the house, and she let me get the bug spray after she found a rather large, angry looking spider in the laundry room. I'm also going on week two of stopping all fast food/shitty foods, and it is going well. None of that "I'm dieting" bullshit, I'm just drastically lowering the amount of fast food I eat, starting by not going to any fast food place for at least a month. Bottom line? I've finally started getting my shit together and started getting healthy, as well as working on the house. If the rapture happens, I'm going to be fucking pissed.
Has anybody heard anything from the Westboro people? Maybe they were right and they're the only ones that went to heaven today.
Not even two hours at the pool and my arms are red as a lobster. Well, one way to feel better...drink more.
Picked up one of these from the brewfest leftovers. Not too bad, but nothing to get excited over. I guess it's just a "nice Jewish beer."
Just a little, but its brewery is so happy it finally got into a lawyer (...close enough for mom to tell her mahjong partners).
They were protesting a Lisa Lampenelli comedy show last night. For every protesting idiot, she donated $1000 to AIDS research. In the name of the people in charge of the Westboro Baptist Church. Awesome. She also had a bunch of gay people make out in front of them and chant things like "We're here, we're queer, we take it in the rear." I follow her on Twitter.
Mid to high eighties, sunny with no clouds sitting at an outdoor bar, can't get much better than this. Hows the weather in Canada today?
There are two teachers retiring from the school where Mrs. Noland works and they are throwing a "party" for them so I have to drag myself out to someone's house and spend 2 or 3 hours with a fake smile plastered on my face drinking cheap wine and eating lousy finger food talking with a bunch of crusty old teachers. I think I would have been happier with the end of the world.
The brewery that makes He'Brew (Schmaltz) also funds the Coney Island line of beers, which are really solid. If you can find the Human Blockhead imperial bock, give it a shot. Plus, their labels are dope.
Nothing quite like waking up to the sound of your heartbeat pounding through your forehead. Going to need a few breakfast beers to get me through this one.
They had two of them on tap for the brewfest, but I didn't really care for either. ...Or any beer that comes out of Brooklyn, really.