That is the white definition. Dapped or to dap, is also referred to shakin'-up or fist bumping. Said with phrases "Aight man" and "good look"
I was gonna quote her post and comment, "White person detected." Nom should have called it a "terrorist fist jab" to make things perfectly clear
I just got back from watching "Cabin In the Woods" with Li'l Bandit. Verdict: I approve this movie! At first I wouldn't tell him what we were going to see, and when I did, he protested. But I insisted, because he hasn't seen enough horror movies for a boy his age. About 30 minutes in, he was totally into it. Funny story/ memory: I took him to see "Gothika" when he was 4. It was his choice, and he liked it.
Options for the night: go to some birthday celebration at a bar, or stay home, eat hard salami and drink wine while playing Turtles Smash on the Wii. My money is on the option that doesn't require putting on pants or paying a ridiculous cover.
Well, I'm spending the evening teaching my mom how to efile her taxes. "Click okay? And now click okay? Click okay? Do I click okay? Okay?" She's adorable but this is fucking painful.
If anyone is interested, here's the remnants of last weekend's external injuries. I unwrapped my arms and hands to let everything breathe. And yes, the wounds on my hand are now wrapped with duct tape. Yeah, that's going to leave a scar.
I'm a middle aged white gal living in suburban Kansas City. How am I to know what the negros are saying now.
Certainly gives new meaning to Ravishing Rick Rude. Anyway, let's counterbalance some earlier pictures. Warning: all of these ladies are probably heavier than average, so don't click if that's not your thing. Nothing here is intentionally meant to fuck with you though: NSFW NSFW NSFW
Nom, those ladies are beautiful. Seriously. That first picture made me gasp out loud. Where are you finding your sexy pics tonight?
Anyone up for a hangout tonight? I've already sent Frebis 4 pms saying that I have no other friends and I need him to talk to me, so I assume he's a probable.
That does it for me. Tried some wine tonight and ended up drinking a whole bottle myself, followed by a few gin and tonics. Fuck I want some more Moscato sp?? Running on maybe 3 hours of sleep, and have to be in for briefings at 7 am tomorrow. Toodles! NSFW
I've had almost a full bottle of Moscato myself tonight. You can't beat a $4 bottle of wine. I paired the wine with a lovely Meat Galore pizza from Casey's. I'm classy like that.