I can't believe that you'd rather post a pale dude with a fish to represent this event, rather than the BIKINI CONTEST PHOTOS.
And what's up with mirrored shades in "Florabama"? Is that fashion trend making a comeback now? If so, I'm unpacking my hypercolour shirts and kicking it old school.
Challenge accepted. That woman is so ugly I could fucking cry. She unsettles me that badly. There is nothing in this world more hideous than a mullet. I do not understand them or the people that wear them.
Do you think if you fucked yourself with an empty beer bottle that the suction... would like... make your insides explode?
Explode? No. But there is a good chance the pressure difference will get your pussy meat stuck inside the bottle. Doesn't happen a lot, but it does. Keep some liquid inside the bottle? Imagine the fire department coming out for that. Which is exactly why they carry a diamond-tipped drill. Just in case for these little vaginal/rectal emergencies. Also, don't put your ass on the pool drain. TTTHHBBBPPPPLTT-T-T-T-T.
Don't stop the rush, mon dear. I won't rest until I see everyone in jams and Vuarnet t-shirts. And would some "Jazz Caps" be too much to ask?
Yknow what? Epicure rocks the shit. I've been making homeade sweet potato chips for the last hour while drinkin Jack Daniels and these things are more tasty than Asia Argento.
On a completely unrelated note, I find this hilarious. <a class="postlink" href="http://boniverotica.tumblr.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://boniverotica.tumblr.com/</a> That's right. Bon Iverotica.