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Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle joke?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zach, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    And that is the difference between anonymity and putting your name on it.

    If she had posted anonymously, nothing would have come of it.

    Instead, she went Joan of Arc on their asses, making sure everyone knew it was her that did it, and in the process became a viable target.

    Which is interesting, because I think that's what most SJW's want... to have people know it was THEM that did it.
  2. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    A lesson that intimidation and bullying are a great way to get what you want?

    Really, what Nett said is true and I don't know what should be done, but there seems to be a pretty ridiculous power imbalance. As digital media is more and more part of peoples' lives, you're basically exposing them to more and more opportunities to have this happen. "Don't poke the beast that is the Internet" is tantamount to saying "while you live your life, don't screw up in a totally nebulous and unpredictable way that might go viral."

    It's really hard to predict a lot of this stuff - that article I posted above, this girl thought her somewhat poor attempt at humor was a good joke to share with her friends. How much more disrespectful stuff gets posted every day? But she went viral and now everyone knows her name, yet she is completely powerless to properly repent for this minor indiscretion.
  3. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Fun fact, every single article posted in this thread has been written by the same guy. Not sure if you guys are noticing that, all by Jon Ronson.

    Yeah, all I can really think is that she knew she was a black Jewish woman, working in a predominately white male field. Even though, I think Jewish is a tick in the opposite direction, because Jews are awesome and everyone (in the US) loves them. When you attack someone, you need to make sure your defense is legit. She just wasn't thinking or taking the right precautions and got burned.
  4. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    This observation is a pretty sad commentary on our society. That in our current culture, the person who calls someone out and has the guts to take ownership of it by attaching their name to it gets denigrated and condemned, while the chickenshit cowards who make anonymous threats get a nothing more than a collective shrug tossed their way.
  5. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I think bullying has many different forms... I mean, who here didn't laugh at the Star Wars Kid Video? The mere fact that probably everyone here knows what I'm talking about, 13 years after it happened, speaks volumes.

    That was a case of people making fun of someone, which is all too easy to do online, anonymously. Watch Reddit as an example. As it gets more and more popular, more and more bullying fucktards show up and ruin it.

    In this case, though, I think what really pissed people off was the self-righteous moral condescension, coupled with the somewhat manufactured "victim tri-fecta" (black, jewish, female). At that point, many people, myself included, basically thought, "fuck off you cunt". Normal people basically got pissed and then clicked away, feeling badly for the guy, but really not doing anything about it.

    4chan, on the other hand, reared up and did what they do.

    So yeah, one thing you can do to help not be a target is to not be a cunt.

    Likewise, it was a bunch of overreacting cunts that got the guy fired, and the reaction to that was immediate and overwhelmingly good.
  6. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    What I think is particularly cowardly is that she refuses to accept the slightest bit of responsibility for what's happened to either the guy or herself. The guy is responsible for getting himself fired because he uttered those words in public, and is responsible for her getting fired because he made it known publicly that he got fired for those comments.

    Let's imagine a world where this woman, instead of tweeting about it (and then saying that she "publicly called him out"), turned around and - horror of horrors - said something. "Hey guys, I don't like hearing those kinds of jokes". Maybe a calm discussion about how they are being perceived and making her feel. These guys would have eaten a bit of crow and apologized and maybe would have been more thoughtful about what they said in the future. They might even have grown as people and changed their attitudes, not just filtered what they said in public.

    Nope, couldn't have that though. They were acting 100% uncool and needed to be publicly called out on Twitter, because that's how adults solve problems.
  7. wexton

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    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Yea, there was a quote in the article where she said it was his fault for him getting fired and his fault for her getting fired. At this point I am going to quote Nettdata "fuck off you cunt".
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I think it's repulsive that we, free human beings, have to watch what we say virtually anywhere at any time because you never know who may be listening. What crap. I don't know where adult humans get the path of thinking that words or something said has any affect on their wellbeing whatsoever. It DOESN'T. And instead of paying no mind when they here something they don't like, they put conscious effort and will into ruining a person entirely. Combine that with the armies of armchair Internet toughguys who fuel outrage media online and you have a very shitty and frustrating aspect of society.

    What are we supposed to do, adapt to THAT? I don't WANT to adapt to that. I shouldn't have to wait until I'm in a soundproof room to make a fucking JOKE. I want to see these fuckers- like the stunned cunt from this article- get their proverbial clocks cleaned for their self-righteous hypocrisies. I'm tired of people being told what to say in private conversations. That's what they are: PRIVATE conversations. And when you try to destroy somebody simply because your precious virgin ears couldn't handle it, well fuck you, you get no sympathy and it hope whatever you dish out happens to you back tenfold. Just like THIS situation. It was poetic justice.
  9. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Talk about a situation with a lot of wrong to go around. Though on a continuum. The guys making a random dick joke? Maybe not the best place for it, but not actually morally wrong. Trying to public shame them? Shitty. Firing the guy over it? More shitty. Posting that he's been fired? Not shitty. Just about everything Adria says about the situation. Shitty. The mass of internet dipshits going after Adria like fucking psychotic monsters? Shittiest of all to a degree that in a shit-off would outshit every other shitty thing on this shitty list by a factor of ten bathrooms.

    She didn't deserve what happened to her. He didn't deserve what happened to him. I think I feel for him a bit more just because he really didn't do anything wrong and she did, but the degree of hateful response to her is just fucking insane.
  10. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Because she's not, in any way, responsible? She wasn't the person who fired him, she didn't go to his employer and demand he be fired, she didn't complain to his employer about his behavior. The idea that of the principals involved, she's the one who needs to be taking responsibility is ridiculous to me. Furthermore, what difference does it make anyway? It's not like if she came out and said she was sorry, his company is all of the sudden going to hire the guy back on.

    I read those quotes of hers and interpreted them differently. She didn't come across as some diabolical SJW cackling to herself about how she got some guy fired lol lol lol FUCK WHITEY. She came across as someone who's angry. Heaven knows if I was in her position I'd be pissed as hell and wouldn't give two shits about the other guy, especially when he got another job while I was still unemployed and everyone else is holding me to be the ultimate bad guy. Now maybe I'm wrong and she is merely being smugly self-righteous, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt, just like everyone else is apologizing for him.
  11. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    She brought the situation upon herself. If she wasnt so "smugly self-righteous" she might still have a job. Now everyone knows she's a walking HR nightmare, so why would anyone want to hire her? Don't feel bad for this asshole. She deserves every day of her unemployment.
  12. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Let's just go back to the article on this:

    It wasn't his own actions that resulted in him being fired, it was her actions that brought the issue to the attention of his employer, and for that matter, he also had no part in the revenge against Adria aside from publicly stating that he had been fired (and he didn't even identify her in his statement). She blames him anyways. You can't have it both ways; you can't deny that you had anything to do with the situation, and turn around and blame somebody else for simply stating the facts of what transpired.

    But while we're on that subject, I bolded the word empathy. This is what Adria has to say about empathy:

    There's a shitload to unpack here. In the first place, she is judging other people for their lack of empathy while at the same time truculently refusing to have any empathy herself. Secondly, she said that she knew precisely what she was doing by tweeting about it. And then that line about Down's Syndrome is incongruous about having empathy and compassion towards minorities.

    This isn't about apologizing; it's about admitting that your actions have consequences. If she could at least say that her actions resulted in him being fired, and that he isn't responsible for the repercussions against her, that would at least be the honest thing to do.
  13. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I think its because he made a dick joke and she didn't like it. What did she do? She did as much as she could to humiliate him and get him in some sort of trouble. If he pulled his cock out and waved it in her face, we would have something worth making a stink about. But she tried to use the internet that she knows is brutal against this guy and that same internet didn't buy her shit. And it backfired in a horrendous way.
  14. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Here's what I find most telling about this woman:

    She's such a gentle, fragile, sensitive soul that the overheard remarks caused deep wound and fear

    She feels justified in her actions that could've easily exposed 3 more children to the ridicule she'd experienced as a child because SHE'S THE VICTIM here. She overheard something that was not directed towards her and felt it was her right to destroy not just the object of the offense, but potentially his whole family.

    That my friends, is not a sensitive soul seeking social equality. That's a fucking bully.

    And like most bullies, it was easier to hide behind a group of like minded bullies who continued to taunt until...

    An even bigger group of bullies took up the cause of the actual bullied person and crushed her little world.

    And she still fails to realize that all of this happened because SHE CHOSE to be overly offended, TO PLAY the victim, and BULLY some guy who made some stupid joke that she overheard.

    In her mind, everything she did was self righteous and a crusade because she's a woman, Black, Jewish, grew up poor, was bullied, etc, etc, etc...

    SHE'S A VICTIM and now the internet just bullied her, making her a victim again.

    Bullshit. The only thing that makes you a victim is accepting the role. (I can point to recent personal experience when I allowed my property to be taken from me by allowing it to happen because I was to drunk to actually give a fuck. ) People's actions against you does not define you, your reaction to those actions does.

    I've seen these types many times. It really isn't much of a stretch to say that HR has had me on speed dial on previous jobs. I never said anything malicious or purposefully mean, but sometimes stuff that's not quite PC comes out of my mouth. You know how I got around it? I just don't fucking talk at work. They think I'm really shy, quiet and reserved. And then I stand up in front of large groups of people and talk away like it's nothing.

    I hate it because being quiet and reserved is not my nature, but it is what it is. You never know who is going to be offended by what.
  15. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I agree with you entirely about her being a bully. I just don't think she is smart enough to have that kind of forethought and to even remotely think about the consequences of her actions, let alone consequences that are 3 steps away.
  16. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    A man goes to a seminar and sits next to his friend. He makes a joke in private to his buddy. He ends up fired from that joke.

    If anyone sees any reason to feel offended this situation they are actually the ones who have a problem. Looking to be offended and eavesdropping are far more problematic than this guy making an off color joke to his friend ever could be
  17. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I wasn't implying that she had a careful, well laid plan to completely destroy this guy.

    Her comments were made after everything had happened. She knew the result. And she had no remorse. None. Not even for the innocent kids that she could've torpedoed.

    Her only response to the apology was to ask that they remove the part about him being fired. Because that might hurt HER appearance as the victim.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    That's the reason why I have no sympathy for her: she's a super-smug combination of delusional and remorseless. You can't see you involvement in this at all, while at the same time not feeling sorry for the family man you wrongfully humiliated on an international scale?

    Enjoy welfare, cuntard.

    On a second note: yes death threats are awful with or without context, but anonymous internet death threats are 99.9999% of the time as empty as the people who write them. They are not the same as somebody saying they're going to kill you right to your face or getting a black and white photo in your porch mailbox of your children leaving school. They should distinguish between actual death threats and trolling when they say that.
  19. AbsentMindedProf

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I don't think that makes much of a difference to the person getting the death threats. Yeah a lot of them are hot air, but only one needs to be from a real psycho. Getting hundreds to thousands of death threats has to be terrifying, which is exactly why places like 4chan do it. While she seems to be a very unsympathetic person I don't think it we should downplay how horrific and destructive the aftermath for her has been. No one deserves that kind of abuse.

    I would like to hear some of the females of this boards perspective on this. I remember when we had a thread about how men should cross the street if they were walking behind a woman at night. I was shocked to hear how on guard women are most of the time. So, would these kind of comments make you uncomfortable in that setting? What do you think is the best way to handle this kind of situation?
  20. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Actually, if 4chan went after me I wouldn't take it completely lightly. I've spent time over on /b/ and MOST of the time it's bullshit. Most.

    I've also seen people post that they're going to shoot up such and such a mall or school and within a few hours there has been a national tragedy. There are some mighty unstable individuals that are egged on by the anonymous internet hate machine. They take their glory in that role. And some of them are quite tech savvy. I've seen purported photos of some target's children walking along the street. I've seen them track down folks from the slightest little clue ( See ... mal_Abuser and even to this day, the domain )