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Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle joke?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zach, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I am still unable to get past how she felt like she was the target of their jokes (which she asserted in one of her tweets) and that the jokes were misogynistic. Neither of the jokes had anything to do with women. The fork pun wasn't even targeted at a female presenter.
    And then they talked about big dongles. For all she knows, they could have been flaming gays. Maybe they wanted to suck big dongles. Maybe they were objectifying that dirty, dirty software developer with the come-fuck-me-bowtie. No, of course that couldn't be it. It was all about her and the hairs on the back of her crazy-ass neck.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Well, there ARE true kooks out there. But like I said, it's almost always trolling.

    I just don't get why a person ticked off about what somebody said/did uses death threats directly. It's seems anybody on the Internet who has no game in the art of smack either resorts to death threats or calling the person a faggot. Or Hitler. There's no middle ground with those morons. They either tuck tail or post the worst possible thing a person can say. One more Internet argument won. Self high-five.

    I don't get that mentality. It's not like you're bragging about it to others, so who are you trying to impress?
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    So I didn't know dongles was an actual thing in the tech world. Sigh.
  4. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I guess it gives them power they don't have over them IRL. They hide behind proxies. I imagine these folks have been bullied and abused in the real world and choose to take out their wrath where they can.

    Kind of like folks that choose to get offended over comments not directed towards them and having zero to do with them.

    It gives them a feeling of control.
  5. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    This reminds me of a software class I went to with two of my coworkers a few weeks ago. The company that was putting on the class has a shooting star in their logo, and this logo was on the complimentary notepads that were given to us. During a portion of the class that didn't pertain to us, I started doodling on the free notepad. I made it so the star in the logo was a guy's asshole, and the tail of the shooting star was a stream of diarrhea, which was spraying into another guy's mouth.* I wish I would've kept it so I could scan it and attach it to this post for reference. Anyway, I showed it to the other two guys, which led to the three of us trying not to bust out laughing during a class.
    This was a private joke between the three of us, and we were careful not to let anyone else see it. Someone would've had to stand up and look over our shoulders to see. Now if someone actually did see it, I'd expect maybe a dirty look, or an eye-roll, or maybe even a chuckle. But the idea that someone would make a huge stink out of it scares me. I wouldn't have been fired being that I'm the boss, and if someone told me they were offended by it I'd tell them to watch their own fucking bobber, but having it blown up on the internet would be very, very bad for my reputation. It just goes to show that you can never be too careful in public. It's easy for people to forget how the First Amendment comes with social repercussions.

    *Yes, I know. I'm very mature. I get that a lot.
  6. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Do you honestly not see how your entire post can be applied in reverse?

    Sure, she's a mean person who thought she'd take her little moral crusade out on a couple guys who don't deserve it.

    Without internet outrage, this would have ended with those guys having an unpleasant conversation with event security and apologizing. She didn't ask for him to be fired. The spineless asshats he worked for did that themselves, instead of dismissing this woman's outrage as hypersensitive. If he hadn't been fired, this whole story would have been dropped immediately.

    Instead, the same "Internet toughguys" that you reference launched their own "outrage" campaign to crucify this woman. Yes, she's an unpleasant person. There are lots of unpleasant people. Do they all deserve this treatment? This is "justice"? Just because you're on the side of the guy in this story, it's okay that the anonymous hoards hiding behind their keyboards can wreck a person's life? Don't you see how it was just the other side of that same anonymous hoard that caused this guy to get fired in the first place?

    I want to be crystal clear: I think this woman is a lousy person who appears to have no empathy and a massive persecution complex.

    Cheering on this outcome, though, is supporting the fundamental cause of this problem.
  7. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I keep coming back to this part:

    That kind of wording just confuses me. Was she annoyed they were joking around, and decided that, if she had to explain herself, this would be her reasoning? Or was she actually offended? And if so, why not just say "He was saying things that offended me" or something just as concrete?

    What does being Black or Jewish have to do with jokes about dongles and forking? I'm genuinely curious on this.

    I work in a music store, and we sell audio software, some of which uses a dongle. I've known about dongles since college. And I don't think I've ever NOT heard a dongle joke whenever anyone says the word.

    This has nothing to do with the article. I just wanted to take the opportunity to say "dongle" a few more times.

  8. comforter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jul 23, 2010
    West of House
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Victimhood confers no virtue, but she thinks it does.

    And Dongle dongle DONGLE donglE dONGle.
  9. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    What exactly is the "Men's Movement"? Is this some cheap way to counter the militant feminazis and give both genders equally reprehensible representation? I've never personally felt the need to have men speak for me, NOR have I needed their advice with dealing with the opposite sex. How can you call yourself "Men's Movement" when you're so utterly demasculated?

    As if to drive the point home, I wanted to find a definition of this so-called "movement", I found one from a supporter of it. And as you expect, it isn't bitter whatsoever:
  10. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Was that written by a 12 year old?

    The "Men's Movement" has actually been around since the late 70's. I think to make guys feel masculine while they listened to the Bee Gees and followed Phil Donahue and Alan Alda's advice as to what men are supposed to be like...sensitive, caring, and crying a lot.
  11. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I remember hearing about this when it happened. She seems like an epic cunt.

    I think it's a really poor reflection of the company that they fired the guy over this. What a bunch of spineless reactionary twats. If my company let someone go over something so stupid I would jump ship at the first available opportunity.

    As for the backlash she got, call me heartless, but I just can't feel bad for her, even more so after reading that article. She's a piece of shit and I don't care that some trolls said mean things to her online. This is like when John Fitzgerald cried victim after the internet bullied him when gawker posted that article. Yeah, and I really would compare her to John Fitzgerald. She sucks that much. This quote made me laugh.

    What the fuck does her being a BLACK FEMALE JEW even have to do with a dongle joke? That seems to be her mentality too. It doesn't matter and she's justified no matter what because she's a victim ethnicity and being a white male he's privileged 8 billion times over.
  12. AlmostGaunt

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I've learned the hard way that in any confrontation, the person willing to go further is usually the one who wins (or 'wins'). Therefore, before I attempt to blow up someone's shit, these days I try to consider my own exposure and just how much I care about whatever's affronting me. If this person has nothing going on in their life and starts looking for ways to make my life a misery, how much energy am I willing to expend convincing them to find easier prey?

    Approximately 99% of the time, I end up going 'ahh fuck it'. Adria really should have taken the mantra 'the best revenge is living well' to heart.

    The same applies to the guys making death threats. I hope that a couple of them find themselves with criminal charges and are forced to consider whether the juice is worth the squeeze.
  13. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I think these days it's more Mens' Rights activists... those that are looking for an equal footing when it comes to child custody and divorce proceedings, etc., that they're referring to.

    Think of her what you will, but Judge Judy spent over 10 years in the family courts before becoming stupidly rich on television, and she has this to say from her time there:


    If you dig into it, she's a real proponent of men's rights and is quite publicly vocal on the subject.

    There are a large number of online "male victims" that relate to this problem that take up any "a woman fucked over a guy" cause to help promote their agenda, and those were the ones that I saw latch on to this case.
  14. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    MRAs are a fucking joke, and that's when they're not being nothing but misogynist fuckbags. Supposedly, they're all about addressing problems that are either unique to men or faced disproportionately by men, but instead of finding solutions they pretty much just blame Feminism for all the wrongs in the world. This passage from the article does a nice job of illustrating what they're all about:

    Since Hank didn't jump on the MRA hatewagon, they turned on him and shit-talked him, which is par for the course for them. Like how PETA doesn't give shit about real animals, MRAs don't actually give a shit about men because they're too busy hating on women.
  15. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    It's a little disingenuous to lump all MRAs together... there are some fucknuts that are misogynistic douche-nozzles but there are also some legitimate, "normal" guys fighting to establish mens' rights.

    For instance, I have a friend of mine who is fighting for equal rights to get visitation to his daughter after a fucked-up, lopsided divorce, and he is far from one of those douche-nozzles.

    In this particular case, yeah, it was a bunch of the fucktards that latched on... at least they are the ones that made the biggest negative impact.
  16. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    Trakiel, I agree, but if I was to spin that around and say -

    I wouldn't be too far off base. This is the community that went on a rampage about Katy Perry being an ignorant moronic slave for saying she wasn't a feminist. Feminists have the same backlash for anyone who doesn't jump on their bandwagon. Oh wait, I know! I just misinterpreted all those negative things and generalizing heuristics I've ever read. What Netdatta is quoting is true, there's clear sexism in the court system. It's also true that a woman can give their child up for adoption, decide to have an abortion, or decide to have the kid and demand child support, whereas my sexual rights 'privilege' stops at putting on a condom. Not that I think that's wrong, but if we're going to look at gender benefits from society it should be at least be acknowledged both ways.

    I wrote a longer post earlier, and deleted the rest since it seemed irrelevant, but since this is already spinning off into tangents I think this story is indicative of our society's utter incompetence when it comes to addressing these issues. It's fucking pathetic that it's hard to talk about anything relating to a gender issue without someone construing as pro-feminism or misogynist.
  17. AbsentMindedProf

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I think this highlights a big societal problem that we're going to have to address in the near future. The polarization of every topic. What I mean is that no reasonable discussion about an important topic can be had because the people with extreme views on both sides just scream at each other and drown everybody else out. It's the biggest problem with American news media, politics, sexism, racism etc. I think a majority of the people could meet in the middle, but the discussion is dominated by the extremes. Maybe it's always been like that, but now it's just more pronounced with the internet.
  18. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    What I would add to this, and what is different now, versus pre-1980, is that both sides create their own facts. That is a huge difference. Prior to that, generally speaking, both sides of an issue after vetting, would tend to agree what the actual facts were, though they would disagree as to the significance of those facts, or how to address them.

    Now? Despite solid facts, both sides, even when shown to be scientifically incorrect, still trumpet their 'facts' and will not back off of them, no matter how wrong those 'facts' have been proven. Think: vaccine debate.

    So I agree with you Absent, but it's a deeper issue than you're touching on.
  19. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Would you fear for your life if someone made a dongle jo

    I remember following this story as it was happening, and naive old me figured that two years on maybe Adria might have been humbled a bit and acquired some perspective. Clearly that is not the case. She has doubled down on everything that was wrong about her initial behavior and it's zero surprise that she hasn't found a new job since SendGrid fired her. She's a liability to any company that hires her rivaled only by the guy who openly admits to masturbating at his desk during the interview.

    No one deserves the threats and harassment she got, but my sympathy for her is extremely limited by the fact that this treatment is what she intended to happen to the men she tweeted about. Sympathy for someone who was attacked by the internet wolves is one thing, sympathy for someone who summoned the wolves and then cried foul when they devoured the "wrong" piece of meat is something else entirely.

    The author is entirely on point in viewing this as a representative tale of the larger problem of weaponized publicity.