Because, I know you guys were all wondering, here's an update from the Secretary: And a real poll:
Fuck you care, you live in Canada. Or is US currency circulated up there that frequently? On my end I have a jar in my closet full of just Canadian coins.
DURRRR, He wasnt a president, DUUURRR, he was an asshole. Hamilton is my favorite figure of that era. Just a bad ass. Not to mention Aaron Burr is a bitch and that duel occurred cause Burr was a butthurt baby, wanted an apology and Hamilton told him to go fuck himself. Going out like a bawse. (I dont want a more nuanced historical take, thats how I interpreted it in HS and college and I'm sticking to it).
Everybody knows Hamilton missed on purpose because he assumed Burr couldn't hit a barn while Burr was pouting about Jefferson kicking him to the curb. Maybe they could stir up some drama over at Treasury - since Burr was between wives at the time, and obviously sleeping with one of Jefferson's slaves, they could put HER picture on the $10 bill.