Personally, I hate it when they use the muscle-building vitamins or rocket skates. Thank god for sharp turns near steep cliffs, however.
I will be going to Bockfest tonight. Hopefully I'll be drunk quick enough to forget that I'm in the most dangerous neighborhood in America.
Yeah I shouldn't have tried to hide it from the beginning....we will, in fact, be having a beer together. In the shower.
This is what I love about our friendship. And it seems we have temporarily found the third we were looking for last weekend.
Dibs on safety inspector of the shower. I'll even supervise so no-one gets hurt. Or something something.
That was a remarkable round of shower beers, I must say. Also Facebook just told me to reconnect with a guy I used to hook up with. Bahahahahahahaha. There's a reason I don't hook up with him anymore, duh.
First Friday, wooowoowowoowowooooo. Love me some first friday action baby. 4 hours and 4 minutes until I'm home free.