Facebook just told me to reconnect with a guy who had sex in my hot tub. While it was pretty fucking funny at the time and there's a completely disgusting picture of it floating around, I can't say I have any desire to reconnect with him. Try again Facebook.
Facebook told me that it's time to shut up my whiny internal monologue and petty complaints with wine. Well, I mean, not in those exact words. But I could infer, you know?
Just went for a nice bike ride around the neighborhood. I went further and didnt feel so spent and this was my second ride. This may actually work. Time for a cold beer on the back porch and watch the sunset.
Be careful, It may just be an invitation to play softball or trick you into buying Indigo Girls tickets. Mom jeans and snap-button shirts? Pure burlesque.
Don't lie. That place was like Hedonism II to women who like to box lunch at the Y. I would have loved to watch the flannel-wearing chicks slow-dancing with each other while MacLachlan belts out "Hold on". Or, so I heard.
I'm still pretty sure that the hot lesbian is a pure myth. Maybe we could get the Mythbusters on the case.
I went to UConn. If you want to see some butch lesbians go to student union about an hour before the Women's basketball team plays. It is shocking how many 40-60 year old women you will see in flannel and jeans. They also believe that the women's team can beat the men's team.
My daughter is completely transfixed with this show In The Night Garden. It would be exceptional to watch if one were on mushrooms, but these shows for toddlers are as grating as the psychos that act on them. ...and BRIGHT. Jesus, it's like my TV turned into the open Ark Of The Covenant. I swear to God these shows are secretly hypnotizing our kids to murder us all. "YES MASTER... I WILL USE A PILLOW ON THEM IN THEIR SLEEP TONIGHT....."
Women appreciate female beauty as much as, if not more than men. So that is what I don't get about lesbians. Don't they at least want to try to look attractive to attract other women? I mean, the people who pull out all the stops are the gay dudes. So much about that world I just don't understand. Why does the real world not follow porn?
One of my friends is on her way over, we're going to watch The Big Lebowski. She's never seen it. I swear this girl grew up under a rock. She had never seen Pulp Fiction until I introduced her to it. It's a good thing she knows me or she would go on leading a life without knowledge of The Dude or Vincent Vega. What a sad life that would be.
Currently drinking whiskey at high school hockey game. My friend is loving all the jailbait ass. Yes, this is minnesota.
They seem to more or less create their appearance like they're trying to trick females into thinking they're a guy (like Brandon Teena), or their advertising that they're a "guy lesbian" that's untouched by man. With most lesbian couples that I see, one is usually far more butch looking than the other. Usually th one with more hockey jersies are the man in the relationship.
has anyone ever ordered wings from Pizza Hut? I'm wondering if they are worth a shot or if I should just get a pizza.