Anyone else hear the Wilson Phillips track in their head when they read this? Anyone else put it on immediately and air-drum to it? Anyone else feel a thousand times better about themselves right now? Fuck you. You're lying.
I'm sorry, someone was arguing that hot real lesbians do not exist? I beg to differ. Meet my avatar, Catherine McNeil. Lovely real lesbian.
Just enjoyed a delicious montecristo cigar and a glass of makers to complete the week. The girlfriend is having girls night tonight and all this lesbian talk has me fantasizing about what they could be doing. All of her friends are gorgeous so I'm actually a little jealous of my fantasy.
Not great, but they are alright with beer and pizza. If you have a few extra dollars, I'd say they are worth it.
God Dammit. My roommate talked me into staying home tonight, we were gonna drink some beers and watch a phish concert DVD on his new 65" and 5.1 surround sound. All of the sudden offers him her extra John Mayer concert ticket and so now he's going to the concert with her. Fuck it, I'm gonna kill this 12 pack of coors and see where that takes me.
Went for some delicious pizza with the girlfriend. Currently having a Guinness and some special sauceless pizza-like creation that I brought home. Oh, just got a blowjob, too. Thought I should mention that.
You've got to love Facebook. Before my shower I changed my status to "Shower beer? Yes please." I got several comments, one of which was 'genius.' I love spreading the gospel of the shower beer. A few minutes ago I got this comment from a preacher's wife: 'no thanks.' Makes me laugh. Apparently we believe in different gospels.
You should disconnect the breaks on their car for paying money to see that pasty-pigmented uberdouche. You should also take the empties from your 12-pack and go throw them at his tour bus.
Friday night and I'm drinking Busch, posting on the internet, burning wood in my fireplace, and the girlfriend is watching Twilight on my TV. What's wrong with this picture?
"[Shower] beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."--Benjamin Franklin I'm just happy that I've started a "things we talk about on TIB drunk threads every week" meme.
Speaking of, I just had some nice Pizza Hut tuscani pasta followed by a nice shower beer. Time to hit up a nearby restaurant bar for some beers with my other roommate.
Fuck showers (though I will nto criticize shower beers). BATHS are where it's at. I own a monster whirlpool, so you can have SEVERAL beers in the hot water, inebriating you quicker (therefore saving you money in this dire economy).
It's a meme when the girls start posting shower-beer titty pictures. On a completely unrelated note, any out of work web designers should PM me about this idea I just had for a website. Seriously. Also, is the sole intellectual property of Beefy Phil. Copyright 2010, all rights reserved.
I haven't had a shower beer for years. Probably the last one was in the dorms back during my freshman year. Since then, well, I take a quick shower, and drink my beer before or after. It's not that I don't like it or something, I just never feel the inclination to do it anymore. Now a bath beer or three? Fuck yeah. Add in a few cigarettes and some kind of mellow playlist involving "The Rain Song" by Led Zeppelin and you've got yourself one hell of a time.
I'm watching Observe and Report. It's kind of bizarre and it pretty much utterly sucks, but Anna Faris looks fine in it.
My girlfriend hates me because I dubbed her new beau "Jiminy Cricket." hahaha and another bottle yet...
Yup. Nothing like cleaning your dirty ass and sitting in the damn stank water. For my money, shower beer whilst pissing is the ultimate heaven. Pissing in the shower feels excellent, drinking a beer feels excellent, and drinking a beer while pissing is damn near orgasmic. Now, do that while taking a hot shower? In the words of Homer J. Simpson, "Uhhhmmmmglhhghuuuuu"
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. Oddly enough I was having this shower beer vs. bath beer discussion with another board member earlier today. She was firmly pro-bath-beer, and quite convincing.