Fuck. Just got called up by my girl at 3 am. She went to a mixer, and got too drunk to make it back on her own. I had to meet her at the student union (where she had been carried by two guys that she doesn't know), held her hair while she threw up in the sink in the women's bathroom, then literally carried her four blocks back to my place. This I am fine with. It comes with the territory. But the kicker? She drunkenly confessed to me: "I may have made out with [ex-boyfriend]." That's the limit. Fuck.
The guy that I went on my first "real" date with played this song as soon as I got in the car, my name being Brooklyn. I'm pretty sure it was on a cassette tape too.
I have a flu/cold/sickness that rivals any hang over that I have ever encountered so I feel as if I should be posting in this thread. I am so, so very tired and almost have hit the hallucinations state of the sickness and as fun as that may sound I am honestly scared. Watching The Office and drinking tiny sips of water, FUN.
Good morning TiB. I present to you some tits. Because why not? NSFW EDIT for TMR: PUFFY NIPPLE WARNING
Are you kidding? Kansas is about as midwest as you can get. Ask a hundred people to name a midwestern state, and I bet a large proportion of them say Kansas. We may not have much, but don't take away our identity. And, damn, I should have been here last night. This joint was hoppin'
Ohio would never register for me as midwest. First of all, it is pretty far east....and ...um....north. I guess I would consider that Great Lakes Region.
Just got back from an awesome training ride. Thankfully it was about 25 degrees warmer than last week. Time to binge eat!
Great news everyone. Walgreens is now selling their own beer. Fiddy cents a can bitches. Now I can get my prescription of Valtrex filled and get a sixer at the same time. Anyone want to guess what it tastes like?