Looking back many years ago I remember a partner in the accounting firm I was working at always stared at the women’s chests. The absolute gem in it was when another partner over drinks tried to explain that he does it because he feels uncomfortable making eye contact. We called bullshit, hey, I have trouble making eye contact when your gargantuan jubblies are on display, but it cuz of your tits.
I used to have a lazy eye, and it comes back sometimes when I'm tired or really wasted. Upside? Staring at a girls tits and face at the same time. Downside? Looking like I have brain damage.
[youtube] <a class="postlink" href="http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=16cWiWj--8E" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri= ... 6cWiWj--8E</a> [/youtube] I love boobs .Im in the dark sunglasses and a quick look category .Yes I've been caught looking . I usually try to give a small smile (not creepy) and a wee head nod.kinda like a sorry you caught me
Not being a woman, I won't say that it isn't the case, but rather that I find it hard to believe that you are dressing with only half the population in mind. When I dress, I dress with the occasion in mind, but both for men and women. I get it, women will tend to be more in synch with the current fashion, but going on what you say later, as to how you are being perceived professionally, I assume you dress for both sexes? We're on the same page as to dressing in order to give a certain signal. In the case you described here for example, you will in some case be dressing with how you get perceived professionally in mind, and by your own words, you will dress in what you think looks good. Is it so hard to accept that some men will also think you look good, as opposed to just women? I'm not saying that you are putting out the signal, I'm saying that others might perceive the signal. My point is twofold- the first is that men might appreciate you for how you look and want to look at you. Just because you look good. The second is that, men might be picking up on signals you never meant to send. Comfortable or uncomfortable with it is really irrelevant. Just to make my point perfectly clear: two women with the same body shape are dressing. They both choose a top which shows cleavage. One chooses the top because it runs with the current fashion and that it will give a good impression at work. The other chooses it because she wants to look good on her night out on the town. Both will give the same signal depending on which guy sees them, even if the choose the top for different reasons.
Watch out, it's a Booby Trap. http://www.esperanceexpress.com.au/...eneral/booby-trapped/2452825.aspx?storypage=0
You don't come into your office shirtless because nobody goes into ANY office shirtless. I know, it sucks. We were born as men and therefore don't have tits of our own. That's life. Women are the gender to look and gawk at not because they dress more provocatively than us because they are a MORE ATTRACTIVE SPECIES THAN MEN. Take sexting for example: when a women does it, it's hot, it's flattering, it's something for you to show secretly to all your close friends. When a man does it, it's creepy. Because we have penises and no women who has ever been born wants to look at a penis. Instead, women enjoy us in other ways: namely, if we're either wearing a firefighter's uniform or can throw a football. I don't know why you're whining this way, as if it's some big fucking deal or something. Enjoy the show like the rest of us. Do you hate being a man or something? I mean, I remember as a teenager I used to wear my mom's dresses and scream at myself in the mirror for being a filthy, unlovable whore when they weren't home but at least I got over that shit.
This is the video its referencing... If more girls dressed like that at the yoga class I used to go to, I might still be attending...and ogling. Damn...
Obviously there are certain girly outfits that are at least partially intended to display the goods, but in terms of day-to-day sightings, doesn't this all basically come down to duration and frequency? Using I-Forget-Whose example of riding the subway, and a hypothetical Guy-She-Finds-Hot versus stereotypical 60-Year-Old-Supercreep, would it matter at all who she (or any girl) caught checking her out, so long as it was a glance and not repeated routinely? What I mean is that if a girl catches a creepy looking dude glancing, but he doesn't look again, then catches a good looking dude leering, and he doesn't stop, isn't the latter significantly worse? I was under the impression that we're all allowed a quick look lasting no more than a second or so before we get into offensive/harassment territory. Question for the ladies: is there a difference between body parts and face, in terms of getting checked out? If your legs are showing and you see someone stare, is that more/less offensive than if they stared at your boobs? Today on the train I noticed a really cute girl a couple seats away. We made eye contact once, then I took a peak around other passengers to get another view, and made sure to look up once more when she got up at her stop. This was all over about ten minutes and I only 'checked out' her face. Did she start her day feeling completely creeped out? Anyways, this is yet another reason why I'm an ass man, and while this has been a pretty mild winter, this thread is making me realize how fucking bad I want it to end.
Everyone has different feelings on this, I am sure. For me it doesn't really matter who is doing the looking, I don't get "creeped out" unless someone is blatantly staring. Boobs, ass, legs, face...I don't have a body part I am more sensitive to getting checked out. I have known women who do care though, boobs usually being more worrisome to them than their ass. It really boils down to whatever parts the individual woman is not entirely comfortable with, thus the discomfort with it being appraised.
What if someone is looking you dead in the eye like this? Eye contact is pretty sexy. This is what I have been told. I'm going with it.
It's almost funny that this look isn't uncommon, and that when I saw it I was like "Ah yes, that look. I'm familiar." Except that it's terrifying.
Currently I am working on perfecting the ability to look at a womans face/eyes and simultaneously use my peripheral vision to check out her titts.
Settle down with the personal attacks; don't know what pissed you off. I think you are misreading what I am saying. I don't care if a woman comes in completely topless to the office. In fact, I welcome it. I'm just saying the more 'unusual' your dress, the more people will stare; it's a fact of life. Thinking the attention is due to some malevolent or sexually-deviant perversion is sort of a joke.
I have it perfected, but I'm not looking at her tits or ass - I'm checking for a heavy left hand with a big 'ole rock. I don't want to waste my time barking up a wrong tree.
I agree, its a slippery slope from "Well, if you don't want us to look then never, ever have cleavage" to " If she didn't want to be raped she should't have bee dressing like that." Its not my job to control your urges with my clothing choice. Have a little self control.
...but it shouldn't BE a slippery fucking slope. Where exactly is the "slip" in between those two things? This: ...is the stupidest fucking line ever muttered by a non-retarded human being. And through life, I have heard it again and again by utter fuckinbg morons who have the nerve to think it makes a point in an arguement. It's as if the lines of right and wrong blur. It does not matter if she is wearing a shirt that says "I love to be raped" carrying a picket sign that says "Rape Me". If you get carte blanche to sexually assault a woman for dressing slutty, then it would be open season on every single teenage girl in North America. A woman does not get raped for being dressed provacatively. She gets raped because her attacker is a sick raping rapist that rapes people. Call the crime for what it is and what the actual cause is. When you cook you're cocaine in a spoon and smoke it, you're not "freebasing", you're a fucking crackhead.