I enjoy shots of vodka or rum just for the simple pleasure of grinning while blowing the fresh hot alcohol breath into the face of my opponent immediately afterwards. My fall back is light rum and orange juice. Tastes great, kicks like a mule. If it's Cap'n Jack the combination makes it somehow taste like an ice cream sandwich/creamsicle. Also orange juice, rum, and chocolate syrup tastes exactly like a twinkie. Then again, I'm like obsessed with orange juice. A half gallon never lasts more than a day in my house, because I just fucking love orange juice. I buy one of those Costco 4 packs of half gallon cartons and it doesn't even last the whole work week. What does that say about me? I have no idea, all I know is I could really go for some OJ right now. Oh yeah, I drink wine too. In fact, I drink it the same way I drink OJ, I pop it open and drink it straight from the bottle. I've pregamed going to a buddy's place several times by polishing off a fresh bottle of the vino. All right, I think that says about me exactly what I think is awesome. "Sophisticated slob". Top hat, monocle, wife beater, and boxer shorts. I'm aaaall riiiight. I think I'm just fascinated by stapling seemingly antagonistic or contradictory ideas together and seeing if they fly.
Whiskey has been a staple drink in my family for generations. While growing up I would quickly take a small sip of whatever my father was taking as a night cap, whenever he left his drink unguarded (its become a family tradition to keep hold of your beverage at all times, otherwise it swiftly vanish) while watching the telly. Since then, while I do drink the occasional beer with friends on fishing trips or visiting them at their place of residence, I mostly drink Whiskey, straight. Never watered down, never with ice. The reactions I get to this (I'm twenty four) are usually approving albeit slightly shocked nods from both the bartender and patrons. What I suppose it says about me is that I just want to unwind with a stiff drink, do not talk to me. When with a dram, never has anyone approached me to start a conversation, I always have to initiate any kind of social interaction. Or, I'm trying to show off, usually proven wrong by the time I'm on my third drink. What it really says about me is that I take after my father and stick with what I like, plus I enjoy the after taste of a whiskey, its an entirely different sensation to drinking beer.
My favorites are port wine and Bailey's. I think this says that I like sweet and tasty things. Typically I'll drink either half a bottle of port or a quarter of the big bottle of Bailey's in extremely short order, and this says, rightly so, that I have no self control. I usually go from sober to can't walk straight in about 1 hour, which is how long it takes for all that shit to absorb I guess. Luckily, I drink with friends, so they can take care of me when I become a danger to myself.
How DARE you imply James Bond has kicked the bucket. Shame shame shame shame shame... FOCUS: I'm a college student, but I like to get drunk good and proper. I usually get a sixer of Clipper City (as I'm in the Baltimore area so it's relatively cheap for a microbrew) and do that good and proper. By that time, I'm buzzed enough as to not give a fuck what I drink, so I'll take a smooth Keystone Light or 10. Also, the only thing that shots should be chased with is: 1) Beer 2)Another Shot
At home I generally drink: Beer I have half a dozen beers that I choose from, normally buying whichever is $40 or less. Vodka Usually the cheapest bottle I can find, mix 4 or 5 shots in a big 1 litre stein with ice and OJ for the perfect couch companion. What this says about me? I like to relax at home after work and slowly (and economically) slip into a drunken state of bliss. When out I generally drink: Vodka With soda water, with or without the fresh fruit, I could give a rats arse. Occasionally with Red Bull if I need a pick-me up. What this says about me? I like a drink that is quick to make, also because I tend to drink a lot faster while out, I never add sugary drinks (exception being the odd Red Bull) as staying with plain soda staves off the hangover the next day. Plus when I inevitably get it knocked on me, or someone else, there is no stain to worry about. No bad breath either!
Bud Light is my normal first choice. If I have to take a shot, Jager. So smooth The only decent beer I'll buy is Trippel from New Belgium. But considering I live in Fort Collins, I'll never turn down any free beer, there is a shit ton of it up here. Like seriously, we have 4 breweries in town, New Belgium, Odell's, Budweiser and Fort Collins Brewery. Down the road, Left Hand, Coors. I feel spoiled sometimes.
To respond to some reps and posts here. Gin, can't do it. Tonic, can't do it either. Together, really doesn't work. Martini's are great when the bar is slow, but rarely bartenders will get it right if the bar is busy. It's easy to avoid the caffeine and stuff at home when drinking, I was thinking more about going out because no one judges you at home. My home personal favorite is captain morgan, ginger ale and a splash of lemonade. That's fucking great for the summer.
After getting blackout drunk on vodka at my bachelor party AND Halloween (within 2 months of one another), I've banished myself from Mother Russia's greatest export, and have switched to bourbon and club soda. If I'm out, I'll go with well bourbon, unless the bar is pushing something for a good price. If I'm drinking at my house or at a friend's place, Wild Turkey 101. I have no clue what this says about me, and really don't care because I enjoy the taste.
Either that or your collar(s) are popped and you address everyone with some variation of "bro," as in: "Eh brah wanna come back to my place tonight? I got the whole house to myself!" or "Yo broski, can I get an extension on this paper? Killer hangover this weekend brosef!"
With beers I usually go with Old Milwaukee. I started drinking it because I was broke with no job, but I've stuck with the red ladies because I got used to the taste and now actually prefer it over most other stuff. If I'm looking to splurge I'll go with Kilkenny. I love that shit. Other than beer, I do the odd shot of Tequila or just go with wine straight out of a bottle. I usually stick with white, and right now I'm loving reislings. Though I'm sure that's simply because I'm young with unrefined taste. After two rough nights in a row, I have sworn off hards. Both involved rye. The first (Alberta Premium) ended in me apparently fighting my friends ex (at the time, girlfriend). I've been told it started as a play fight but quickly progressed to a legitimate fight with her taking full on swings at my face, and me responding by rubbing her face in the grass, which in turn ended up pulling out her extensions (this girl was a real class act). The next (Royal Reserve) I was puking all over the place and being the standard retard who didn't know when to cut himself off. I quickly realized that I can save a lot of trouble by not drinking hards exclusively all night and instead limiting them to shots, minimally.
I'm assuming you mean the London in England, and not the other one. That being the case, you have GOT to go to De Hems. It's a little pricey, but it has the best beer selection in central London, bar none. Also, hot barmaids. As for what I drink...I spent so long on various things that meant I couldn't drink that I have pretty much no taste/head for alcohol, so whenever I'm going out with people I usually end up drinking Southern Comfort & coke. Oh, or Guinness. I don't know what that says about me, anyone else have suggestions?
Most people my age think the two things I drink most (gin and Guinness) taste like shit. They recognize it's a good drink anyway most of the time, but I occasionally run into that "you're just drinking it to look cool/sophisticated/whatever, no one actually drinks that" jackass who thinks he can lecture me about his blue-collar values while sporting a North Face jacket because he only drinks Natty. (Ok, I only ran into that guy once, but it made an impression.) To the actual point of the thread: Gin: I'm either a wise old man or a young woman. (Yeah, it's not the former.) Guinness: I'm a white suburbanite American trying desperately to cling to whatever cultural significance I can squeeze out of the countries where my genes happen to come from.
More often than not I'll be found drinking Guinness and whiskey, preferably a Bushmills 16. What this signifies is either I'm an Irish student who likes to think he has a refined taste, or just likes to show off on payday. If I can't afford to be drinking those two in the bars, I'll usually get 2 litres of the cheapest cider in me before I head out. Then it's just whatever's on offer. And I really, for the life of me, cannot see why anyone would drink Budweiser. It's so expensive and all you're paying for is the brand, in terms of being a beer, it is shit. It is the McDonalds of beers without the value menu.
This is hilarious. I bartend at a bar here in Des Moines and cannot tell you the number of times I've had wanna be MMA fighters come in with their friends and talk about how fucked up they're gunna get that night, and then come to the bar and order a Starburst. (Strawberry Schnapps, 7-up, grenadine) Moral of the story, its a drink you get if you wanna stay sober, it has MAYBE 10% alc. Behind the bar, we rip shots of Rumpleminze, Jameson or Azul tequila (if you haven't had it or heard of it, Google it. Its incredible) At home, I drink whatever's in the fridge. Coors Light for beer pong, but SoCo rocks or Captain Hundred Proof if I'm gettin blackout.