What. The. Fuck. Yes, there are some disgusting foods out there, and yes, texture does play a part in determining if a food is edible, but come on now, bacon? Chops? BEER? Corn? Corn doesnt taste like anything, you just wanted to write about your own shit. But beer and bacon kill me, especially bacon. Half the retards on this board read TMMB posts that basically stated bacon was gods gift, so I just figured everyone would follow suit like normal. Apparently not. But really? Your most hated foods are chops and bacon? What the fuck do you enjoy? Can you eat misery and self-loathing?
Pickles are vile, horrible smelling nasty bits that I will never eat. Not even pick off a McDonald's burger, I literally order No Pickles or send it back. Yes even on Chik-Fil-A too. Mayo is pretty gross too. I can eat some mayo with food items like crab cakes, but will never get it on a burger, sandwich and refuse to eat coleslaw.
Salad. If I could live as a carnivore, I would do it. Actually, anything that contains lettuce, tomato, or onions. I can't stand the taste OR texture of them. Mayo. How about a tub of fat from someones lipo surgery? Seems about the same to me. Hell, salads smothered in ranch dressing for you nasty fuckers. Slightly off topic, but you can all have your well done steaks. They taste like shoe leather. I can barely bring myself to brown the outsides of a steak because the inside should still be blood red and cool and no steak sauce should be required.
See, and here I was thinking my food choices were weird... apparently there are things that are universally despised. Raw Tomatoes... yeah, fuck that. Boiled Okra... Who ever thought this was a good idea??? Sauerkraut/Sour Cream/Blue Cheese... If it has to go bad before I eat it, I don't want to eat it. THAT IS ROTTEN FOOD PEOPLE!!! Cooked zucchini/squash... See boiled okra. If I wanted to eat phlegm, I'd just swallow my own. Disgusting. Anything that comes out of the ocean... Hell no. Anything else is a go. Now bring on the bacon, mayo, mustard, collard greens, and pickles. And don't forget the deviled eggs and lima beans. All that shit is awesome.
If you're Jewish or Muslim you can multitask with those foods. Avocados, I can't stand 'em. Bags of green watery fat. They're worse than soggy tomato innards.
I think you will all enjoy my funeral food: Meat - any kind - don't eat it and haven't for almost 15 years. Sushi - I have tried it a bunch of times, but I just don't like it. (although I did have some sort of sushi thing Sticky Rice in Richmond, VA that was awesome, but it was deep fried.) Olives - I can't even get one in my mouth. I have tried to eat them, but nope, can't do it. Mushrooms - see olives above.
Sign me up for a ticket on the 'hate raw tomatoes' bus as well. I've been told several different ways I should try them, and have attempted many of them, but so far no go. They are like bad people. They look deceptively alright on the outside, but inside they're slimy, oozy, seedy, and gross. No thanks.
I (and my whole family) used to eat tomatoes like apples. My girlfriends entire family hates them though. It's strange, tomatoes never really took of as a hand fruit. Foods I cannot do is a very short list. Water Chestnuts - I won't eat them because their texture is just awful. You have a nice delicious stir fry, then you get this stupid crunchy piece of shit and it ruins it. There are many other foods in this thread that I've never tried, like anchovies or okra. I do not drink coffee, or tea. I could choke them down though. I got some shredded brussel sprouts as a side with a nice so I felt obligated to eat them. Not nearly as awful in small amounts. Same goes for squash and zuchinni.
The list would be entirely too long if I wrote out everything so I'll stick to my number 1. As has been said before I wholeheartedly agree on Mayonnaise, miracle whip, salad dressing. I dont care what you call it, if it looks like last nights load and smells like a bucket full of ass im not eating it.
This list has shrunk for me in the last few years. I can now tolerate, and even sometimes enjoy mushrooms. Peas are on that list, but are slowly falling off. Basically, the only thing I won't eat are pickles, or anything pickled. the quickest way to ruin food is to pickle it. I don't care what it is, if it is pickled it is disgusting. That, and pineapple on pizza.
man yall are some picky eaters. There is nothing that I will flat out refuse to eat, if someone serves it to me I'll choke it down even if it's just to be polite. That being said, there are things that I would rather not eat. Cilantro- is the top of the list. The only time it's ever an issue is when I get burritos, and If I am able to remember I'll ask them to skip the cilantro, but more often than not I forget and that drastically decreases the amount of enjoyment I get from the burrito. Mushrooms- I try to avoid them if I can, but I can pick around them if need be, weirdly enough I LOVE cream of mushroom soup in casseroles. Sweets- Ice Cream, Cake, Pie, Candy etc... I actually probably hate these things more than cilantro, and have had to conciously stop myself from throwing up while trying to choke down a piece cake before. Luckily I'm never really faced with occasions where I have to eat them now, but it still makes most people think I'm insane.
I'm not the pickiest eater, and I'm always open to try new/weird things, but some of the shit on this thread just sounds awful. My funeral menu - - Liver and Onions. My old man used to make this when my mother was on vacation and couldn't protect us from his "my father used to make us eat this/it puts hair on your chest!" kicks. Just. Fucking. Nasty. - Lobster. Everyone I tell this to says I'm crazy and goes on about how delicious it is. I say watch my 85 year old grandmother gnaw on one of these things, scooping out that green mush with her finger, and tell me how appealing it looks. - Clams. I'll eat the hell out of some oysters, but clams just taste like sand. - Potted Meat. Say that out loud - "potted meat". That alone is enough reason. And wash it all down with a little Budweiser Chelada. Beer, clam broth and tomatoes? Seriously? Who thinks of this shit?
You must lead an unhappy life. Focus: Baked beans. When I was like 4 years old, I could eat these. Then one day at primary school I took a mouthful and started chewing. About ten seconds later I projectile vomited across the floor. Fucking revolting. They have the worst texture of any food known to man, even the smell makes me nauseous. Fuck beans.