A fun thing to do would be to break down the posts of all the self-professed, "I'm a picky eater but it doesn't affect my life" people and guess how they are in bed.
This is a patently ridiculous correlation. Might as well compare taste in mp3 players to gauge creative writing ability. Anyway, enjoy making up conclusions I suppose, but I would have expected better.
and doesn't get any... haha, I'm just having fun with it, don't get all panicked and worked up about your lack of control.
My main goal while eating is to leave my food satisfied and puddles of moisture on the plate. FOCUS: But seriously, I used to be a picky eater. Nothing on my plate could touch. Then I turned 12, and realized I was being a giant pussy. Now I'll eat nearly anything; I can't remember the last time I didn't put food in my mouth because I was grossed out in any way. Except tofu. The texture of that shit makes me want to vomit.
Is that a euphemism for 'asshole' that I haven't heard before? Because if not, it fucking well is now.
It's unfortunate that Silway is going to take the brunt of this, because I don't mean to single him out per se...I'm using him as an example because it's the most obvious choice. From these posts, you have implied that you are: rigid in what you like, expect to get what you want, are somewhat lacking in a sense of humour and are a tad overly sensitive. This is what I was talking about when I suggested this thread topic. Is it not reasonable to assume that someone who comes off like this will be this way with regards to how they deal with their coworkers, how they operate in their daily lives and -perhaps! - how they are in bed? Thanks for helping me make my point. If you are in fact capable of some Michael Douglas/Sharon Stone type of sex, then kudos to you, but maybe you can understand why some of the people here have disclosed their doubts.
I'm sorry, but this is total bullshit; I expect this kind of reasoning in Cosmo, not from real people. Perhaps people wouldn't call you out on these correlations if they weren't so obviously biased. You said in the your first post that you don't like picky eaters, and have proceded to use some disingenuous thinking to determine that picky eaters are uptight, rigid, unadventurous, and bad in bed. I believe what's going on here is called confirmation bias. I'm saying this because I can use the same reasoning you are to come up with conclusions that are drastically different than yours. So it's been inferred that picky eaters are rigid, uptight, and unwilling to try new things, so therefore in bed they're probably rigid, uptight, afraid to try new things, and hence a shitty lay. On the other hand, you could just as easily say that a picky eater places importance on the details and effort in making the meal, so therefore in bed they value the importance of details and effort when interacting with their lover. Hmmm, sounds like someone that's much more fun to fuck that the person in the first example. I could go on, but I think it's quite obvious that people who judge the character of others based on their food preferences drive me crazy - probably the same way picky eaters are a peeve of yours.
Doesn't it at least depend on the meal and when you've last eaten? If you haven't eaten for a while, you might wolf something down quick but then be "hungry" again a short time later. Or you might take longer to eat and savor a nice piece of steak vs something you grabbed from the drive-thru at 2am.
I'm fairly picky, but I've figured out what I like and don't like through trial and error, not "that doesn't look good." I'm extremely adventurous with food and will try anything I am relatively confident won't kill me. What I won't eat: - White dressings (ranch blue cheese etc...) - Mayo - Mustard (the bane of my existence) - Mashed squash - Olives (though I'm starting to come around here) - Grapefruit Like I said, I became picky through trial and error, but I HATE people who won't try something they've never had before. My ex girlfriend for example had a dry piece of cod or something once when she was a kid and all of a sudden it was "I don't like sea food" for the rest of her life. Never tried lobster, shrimp, clams, etc, use to drive me fucking nuts. She was also one of those cheese and ketchup only on the burger people and would never try any ethnic food. Now for some random hate, if you don't like... - Mushrooms: you should have been aborted - Indian food: you're a racist pile of shit - Tomatoes: a communist - Peppers: mom, is that you?
My 6 1/2 year old son is a beast when it comes to eating. It took me a year to get him to finally eat a taco. It took two years to get him to try a corn dog, and the conversation went exactly like this: Me: Want a corn dog? My son: Umm, no, I don't like those. Me: You've never tried it. Him: I already know I won't like it. Me: You like hot dogs, right? Him: Yes. Me: You love corn muffins, right? Him: Oh yeah! Me: A corn dog is a hot dog wrapped in a corn muffin. Him: I don't like it. Me: Try one bite for me, ok? Just one. Him: OK, I guess. <30 seconds later> Him: Daddy? (mouth full because he crammed almost the entire corn dog in with one bite) I never knew what I was missing. Every new food is like that. Every. Single. New. Food. Then, when he finally tries it, realizes it's good, I usually get some smart ass response like, "See, I told you I'd like it!"
My niece has assburgers or some form of autism. I can't remember which one but its somewhat severe, and the list of what she will eat is the smallest I've ever seen. Shit, I've seen people with Crohn's have more of a well balanced diet. This is the list of things that I've seen her eat in the last 10 years. (Keep in mind that I see her a couple times a week) Penne Pasta Hot Dogs Grapes Diet Coke Garlic Bread Breadsticks Chicken Fingers Toast Milk Carrots That's it. Think about that. For the last ten years, its all she's eaten. And even with these foods, she'll only eat a certain type of them. I've never seen her eat any other type of pasta than Penne, from a certain type of company, and she will not eat it with any type of sauce. Garlic Bread from Dominoes? No fucking way. Carrots that are cooked? Nope. Chicken Fingers that aren't breaded the right way? Getthefuckouttahere. I've seen her grandmother get the wrong type of hot dogs from Costco and tried to slip it past her, she didn't even have to taste them, she knew right away. And its not like her parents haven't tried to get her to branch out. Her little sister will try anything. I'm guessing that she's gonna be a virgin for a long long time.
I cannot stand picky eaters. They rank up there with vegetarians, vegans, raw-foodists, and breatharians as totaly closed minded, and that says enough about the person right there. I will eat anything, up to the point where I have to remind myself not to eat garbage. I know that is disgusting, and I've got some problems of my own, but it does bring me to my next point: After being a server and cook my entire adult life, I can no longer stand watching people eat. As far as I am concerned, it is tantamount to watching someone defecating. On that same note, I absolutely hate people watching me eat. I was dating a girl, and she did not see me eat untill well past six months into our relationship. I consume food in a manner befitting a setting like Valhalla, so I simply choose not to do it in front of others. The only thing I am picky about is the way my food is cooked; over cook my meat and I will not eat it. Won't eat a shoe, won't eat steak over medium. And that's pushing it. Other than that, if it is food, I will eat it. As for the way you eat food as a barometer for sexual conduct, I have found zero correlation between the two. Except maybe for cannibals, but that is a totaly different subject all together.