THEY LOOK HOW GOD WANTED THEM TO LOOK, AND NOT THAT JEW GOD!!!! Oops, may be sensitive about my penis. Personally I've not really thought they looked funny one way or the other (aside from the whole looking like a dick thing) Has anyone seen what Parkers vote was? Is he uncut? If so does the poor girl have to roll it back for 10 minutes before sexy time or does he roll it back pre-date? If cut is this what he used the fourskin four? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... my_castle/</a>
I'm cut, and haven't thought too much about it. Except that one time back in college when one of the most beautiful women I've ever known wanted to see an uncut cock. Of course I told her mine was uncut. Of course this went exactly nowhere.
You would be surprised how many say that. Although I was under the impression that circumcisions are becoming less and less popular, with the overall rates being close to 1 in 2 boys in the US. So perhaps by the time their kids grow up, being uncut will be the norm and they will be made fun of anyway. I am surprised people are so hung up on the "HIV prevention" aspect, even when it is well known to be controversial, as discussed above. I would be much more interested in the better documented prevention of UTIs (or, you can keep it clean) and penile cancer (but again, keep it clean and make sure you don't have phimosis as an adult, unlike hooker's friends...who should perhaps go to a doctor). As a girl, I couldn't care less, and many girls can't even tell, because there is not much difference once you are about to get it on. If I ever have a son, basically the only reason I would consider circumcision is so that my kid does not have to get it as an adult, or when they are an old diabetic grandpa and it's hard to keep things clean, because that would suck. But, the likelihood of that is not very high.
From what I've seen in here it seems to be mostly an American thing, in both New Zealand and Australia it's not a common thing as far as I'm aware.
I say don't stop there. Leave "discoveries" in your foregrounds for your girl like perhaps an old high school ring, or maybe a tiny note that says "You're getting warmer.." ...did that one for my cavity search. The jail guards and I all shared a laugh.
I'm uncut and can't see a real reason to be circumcised. The argument about disease prevention is pretty useless, it's a matter of cleanliness. All you need to do is clean yourself properly. . . and you know, wear a condom like everyone else. There are videos of the procedure out there, and they seem absolutely brutal. My wife and I just had a son, luckily agreeing right away that we didn't want him to be circumcised, but discussed it a lot with providers and friends. It's never been a problem for me before, although one time the foreskin got pulled back so far the connective tissue from the shaft to skin tore. It sucked, but I don't think being cut would have prevented that misfortune.
This was a significant decision for me when my son was born. Even though I'm cut, decided to spare my son. We aren't Jews, Muslims, or puritanical conformists, which based on my research seem to be the principal drivers of circumcision in the world. Slightly less than half of American boys are now left uncut after birth. Distribution is amazingly skewed to the Midwest and south for circs, further evidence of the power of sticky traditionalist thinking. California is a majority non circ state. I personally think it is barbaric and stupid to circ, and am glad my son has the option to deal with it himself of he likes.
Uncut From what I've heard erectile dysfunction is more common among cut males than non. I've only had a few girls remark on my wholeness but they seemed not to mind, more a novelty thing than anything else. And fuck I'm glad I don't have scar tissue on my dick
I'm cut, against my will, when I was about an hour old. Li'l Bandit is uncut. I got into a huge argument about that issue with The Ice Cream Cake Girl; she said "I don't like the way they look when they're not circumcised," and I countered with "So are you going to be giving him blowjobs?" It was an uphill battle, and I had to make a hollow promise to quit smoking, but he/I won. I'm not going to argue the medical pros and cons of the issue. What I will argue is the morality of it. Doctors dole out circumcisions all the time (for the record, the doctor who delivered Li'l Bandit never even brought it up; it's not common among the Mexican-American community down here) and no one questions whether it's right or wrong. But let me ask you pro-male circumcision zealots this: What would you think if a couple had a new baby girl, and they asked the doctor to remove her clitoris and labia? The doctor would probably look at them like they were insane, as they probably would be. But it's totally okay to remove a part of a baby boy that will never grow back. Doesn't that seem fucked up to anyone? You can argue that the foreskin isn't necessary, that he'll never miss it, and that it might even be medically beneficial to him to have it removed. By that rationale, why don't we also remove his earlobes and pinky toes (useless) and his tonsils and appendix (prone to infection; my dad almost died of an inflamed appendix)? Also, for the people complaining about hygiene issues: I see it as a non-issue if a guy takes care of himself. Think of all the other things you have to keep clean: Brushing/flossing your teeth, keeping your ass/crotch/arm pits/feet/ hands clean, etc. I don't see spending an extra minute in the shower playing with your cock (I'm guessing; I have no idea how long it takes you lucky bastards) is a huge deal. Lastly, I want to say that if Li'l Bandit ever doubts my judgment and wants to get circumcised, I'll gladly pay for it myself once he turns 18.
Every pro-circumcision reason has sounded kind of dumb to me. STD protection? How about don't screw people with STDs. Looks? Seriously? It's a penis. In fact, the looks argument is downright immoral as far as I'm concerned. If my future kid wants to cut a bit of his dick off, he's free to make that choice for himself. I don't have that right, and neither does the mother.
A little bit late to the discussion, but I'll throw in my two cents. I'm circumcised, and my parents did it for the religious reasons, I think. It's never been an issue, and I doubt it ever will be. The only time it ever really came up was at bars when I still drank and when I was in Argentina, it was my go to line with women, because no one in South America is circumcised except for the Jews. While playing professionally a few years ago, I lived in a house with six other guys, five of whom were English, so there were zero boundaries with anything, including male nudity and sex. There was more than once that I would walk in the front door to one of my teammates railing a girl on the couch, stopping, and telling me to get my knob out so she could compare a circumcised dick to his. For the most part, the women didn't even know he was uncircumcised until he brought it up. Also, of all the foreigners I've played with, I can only think of one who was circumcised (we played flip cup in teams of circumcised vs. uncircumcised at parties for some reason). As far as when I have kids, if I have a son, I'll get him circumcised, because I think it would help to have my sons penis look like mine during potty training. Also, my best friend, who's a white African-American, is uncircumcised but got his son circumcised because it's the norm in the US. I have a feeling his girlfriend had a lot to do with that decision.
I'm sorry, but, she doesn't have a penis and it's not her penis being circumcised, thus she should not get a say at all. It'd be like saying that it should be the fathers' decision whether to give his teenage daughter fake tits. If a guy *wants* to get circumcised, great, but it should be only his decision to do so, when he's an adult and has had time to weigh up the pros and cons of it. As for me, I'm uncut. I have no plans to get circumcised. I think that circumcision only became popular in the U.S. because it's the opposite of what British (and, by extension, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans and other former Empire colonies) were doing at the time. With regards to that Yale article that DCC posted, it's not terribly accurate, since it doesn't take into account the teenager/young adult circumcisions that are common in initiation schools for young Xhosa and Zulu men and teenagers, although these schools are becoming less popular (due to disease and death from the poor conditions the boys are subjected to, often with no medicine of any form and being circumcised by someone with no medical training) and the hospital circumcision route is becoming more popular in these cultures, due to the lower chance of infection and death and quicker recovery time due to the procedure being done by trained medical professionals. From my limited understanding of these cultures, males getting circumcised is a rite of passage and does NOT happen at birth. Because of this, and the fact that kids are having sex at younger and younger ages, HIV and AIDS will still be a problem for many Black teenagers here.
The pro's and cons have been discussed so I won't have anything to add, but there's still something I'm curious about. How the fuck did this all started with you guys in the U.S.? As has already been stated, it doesn't happen on such a wide scale (outside of the Muslim and Jewish communities) in other Western parts of the world. So when and why did most of your European Christian forefathers decide 'well, time to cut off our foreskins'. It's mindboggling to me. It's as if an entire nation up and decided to make their dicks more aerodynamic. More to the point, I'm uncut and think that if you keep it clean, all the potential medical risks are null and void. I also think it's a silly thing to do and it can only happen so often because the patient isn't protesting (because he's still crapping his pants and stuff). If people really cared about those medical issues, then more people would chop it off later in life. I also believe that if you won't like to have the procedure done now, then they can't really justify having it done while you were a child. Do note, I'm not talking about serious operations here. I was operated on my tonsils when I was a kid. I wouldn't like to repeat it these days, but it was necessary for the quality of my life. On the plus side, I did manage to trick a girl into thinking that the reason her boyfriend was circumcised, was because he had an abnormally large foreskin. He got some funny questions afterwards.
My GOD! That's brilliant! I am blinded by your incredible insight! Please publish these findings in The Lancet immediately. Who knows how many lives we could save?
I've tried to STFU, but we go. Yes, every person in the history of time who has ever contracted an STI did so because they knowingly met someone, thought to themselves, "That person looks disease-ridden! Let's do this thing!" If the prevention of STI infection were easy, this would have been addressed generations ago. "Abstinence!" People say. Well, look at the communities around the world and teach abstinance-before-marriage as the exclusive form of birth control and disease prevention. Note how astronomically high their teen preganancy and STI rates amongst youth are. "Use condoms!" is another one. Everyone here who's never had unprotected sex please raise your hand. What if you meet the love of your life - the person you'll marry and have kids with, and they have an STI? Is it condoms for the next 50 years? Never mind that condoms don't prevent the spread of all diseases and are not effective all the time. If HIV/AIDS was only the issue of drug addicts, why is it so present amongst heterosexual, non-IV drug using populations in Africa and Southeast Asia? I get that everyone has their own reasons for being pro/against circumcision. However, if we could please stop dismissing people who contract an STI as being stupid or in some way deserving of it, that would be great kthx.
I thought mostly everyone got cut, but I guess that's an American thing. When I learned it was mostly a Jewish thing, I just shrugged and thought "They must know what they're doing, they secretly run the world" and I'm black. Never asked my parents, why they did it and I never will. I've heard girls say "omg, he was uncircumcised, disgusting!" once again, America, so I'm happy with it. I even know in the sex ed text books, pictures showed lightly haired vaginas, (to dixie's ire I'm sure) and circumcised vaginas.