Is it something that I talk into, or is it typing? 'Cause The Wife and El Niño are sleeping, and I'm sipping Old Charter VERY quietly,
I tried to get on the google+ chat one night but I was too drunk to figure it out. Much like tonight.
It's the kind of thing where you wake the wife up with a webcam in her face and let us enjoy a Mexican standoff from afar.
Blue Dog would then be in the dog house. I will be at the comedy cellar for two weeks. Tell your friends.
If this is happening, I want in. It'll be like watching Modern Family, but slower and choppy and via webcam.
I HAVE those! Can I play? Please? I said it nicely so yall have to let me. That's how sharing works. EDIT: No Esposa o El Niño though. shit... He's waking up- be bakc
Or, there's MY favourite prank: take a toy cap gun and a flash camera to your neighbour's house. Knock. When he opens the door, fire the gun at his face and flash the camera at the same time. He will think he's been shot, and you can run away. Actually, don't do this.
I have a new pair of glasses to show off. The excitement just never stops at the astronaut household, let me tell you.
Also, the "Write his name in fake blood all over his room with Pagen symbols while he's passed out" prank. (He was hemophobic)
Filed under: Don't ever play a prank on Crown Royal. I will do the gas one one day. That shit works on so many levels.