Oh, I have a pretty decent idea... Raise your hand if you had a fried chicken sandwich for breakfast. This is what conquerors eat at 8 a.m.
The funniest thing about that screen capture is it shows that someone (Whoreswithnonames?) signed off at the same time as Nom started nomming.
I think it was BlueDog who left at that point - I think he had connection issues/problems with grossness.
I want to know who Raychel and all the people on the bottom of the screen that weren't Hotwheelz or Nom are. I also want to know why no one will make me blueberry pancakes. I have all the ingredients, I just don't feel like doing it.
Well, if you have half the skills Nom does with a Wii remote I'm sure you can find someone to make you pancakes.
Your logic of equating negative reps with encouraging circle-jerks is about as sound as your logic of equating an event you found icky in someone's ancient past with being a sick bastard who shouldn't be around children...
Would you believe that out of ALL the people in the G+ chat, I'm the only one who was protesting banana rape? (personally I think the other guys were watching for tips...)
I had to go at that moment. That was RIGHT when my daughter started sceaming for me. The kid had great timing.
IIf earth was hit by an asteroid, I would have the satifaction of knowing that at least it killed that fucking klunky, multi-coloured taint sweat. It is impossible for a music artist to be more obnoxious. IMPOSSIBLE.
What was the Bill Hicks quote? "Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underacheiver!" Something along those lines. I honestly don't know if I'm joking or not. I didn't even start the video - I was afraid I couldn't bear it, so I just googled the lyrics. Jesus fucking shit. There are no words to properly describe just how vapid and deplorable that lyrical composition is.
She looks like a fucking cuttlefish. Guys who say that she's hot need to stop eating retard sandwiches so often.
It IS directed by Hype Williams. You might know him as his real name- The Most Overrated Video Director Of All Time. Bright shiney things and show-offy characters do not a director make. Did you see his movie debut Belly? Talk about falling flat on your face! I've seen better film on teeth.