For once I agree with 'sack! I woke up from a delightful nap and came to check on all the new and hilarious things,'re all napping also? engrossed in the game? lamesauce.
I'm kind of a night owl, so I'm usually up until 2 or 3, which makes naps at 9 totally ok. I'm also on muscle relaxants because I totally destroyed my back at crossfit (apparently? no one really knows what happened) but unfortunate side effect is that I just go to sleep about half an hour after I take one. Also, I cancelled my cable but this day of football is really making me regret that decision.
rough day to be a student at BSHU. so incredibly sick of the patriots. Fun fact, to be answered WITHOUT the help of google/wikipedia: which are the four teams who have won their only appearance in the superbowl?
God damn fucking stupidest Super Bowl there could be. I can already hear the retard talking heads hawking their "revenge" narratives. Gahhh, fucking Billy "the Goat" Cuntdif and Goat Williams Creative, I know.
God, you just know that this is going to turn into a "match between the cities." And I'm so fucking tired of the cliche'd East Rutherford-Foxboro rivalry. ER! ER! ER!
Unfortunately I am not at liberty to divulge that information. The people that were at that particular G+ chat are sworn to secrecy. We will all take our secret to the grave.
So, I tried to sell Tomasz's coat at two thrift stores this weekend, and the first one wouldn't take it even though it's a really nice coat (the sleeves were "too pilly"), but the second one was totally going to take it until they asked where it came from since they didn't recognize the French brand, and I said "I don't know. I....acquired it." And they totally knew what was going on and that's why they denied it. At least, I'm convinced that's how it happened. So angry. Also, I do not recommend going to see a Pedro Almodovar movie with a boy. It is bound to be awkward.