Just got back a little while ago from a monster truck show with Li'l Bandit. Outcome: Grave Digger won everything except the donut competition. (Fatal Attraction won that, with perfect form. It was spinning on a zero turn-radius for almost a whole minute. It was the only Ford in the 6 truck lineup [Other trucks: Bad Habit, Storm Damage, El Toro Loco, and Hurricane Force].) Megasaurus* tore apart a Geo Metro, and in the last event (the free-style), Grave Digger flipped onto its side. Question: Why do people come to events like this (Sports, concerts, etc.) and insist on recording the whole thing with their phones/cameras? There are SHITLOADS of better videos on the internet that they can watch. Do these people actually watch those videos later on? Do they record the events because they are so insecure that they don't think people will believe that they attended? I wouldn't give a shit what morons do, but it's really annoying when you are trying to watch the action, and then someone suddenly sticks a camera into your line of view. If you do that, I have news for you: You are a dipshit. *Q: What do you call a gay dinosaur? A: Mega-sore-ass. Q: What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A: Lickalotapus.
Not true. I am a UGA fan and I lived in SC for most of my life. I am a Detroit Tigers fan, despite having never been to Michigan. Why? Because they featured my two favorite players: Hershel Walker and Ty Cobb (the Dr. House of baseball). Also, UGA won the first college football game I watched as a child.
Re: sports bandwagoning. I've been a Knicks fan since I was 9. I endured the Isiah Thomas years. I beat all of you. The weirdest part is that I started watching them originally because my favorite player was Allan Houston, not Patrick Ewing.
Wait, I don't understand something. If you want to root for a team that's always good and also local, why didn't you all grow up a New York baseball fan in the late 90's?
I've never quite understood this sentiment. Why? Why should you suffer? I grew up as a bleed-blue-and-orange Knicks fan. But a good part of that is because they were a really good team - they never won a championship in the Ewing years, but they were a serious contender every year and they were an exciting team to watch. I continued to watch through the Allan Houston/Latrell Sprewell years, still really exciting. But as the Cablevision moronic management show continued, and that fucktard Isiah Thomas got his claws in there, they just sucked and sucked and sucked some more. They'd traded away all the players I liked, and made decisions that made me think they were stupid. Why would I continue to root solely for the name of the organization? I stopped paying attention. I have shit to do, and watching a sport get played poorly is not high on my list. If it's played well it's worth making time to watch. If it's a bunch of millionaires I don't care about playing badly for a team owned/managed/coached by people I don't like, fuck them. I'll go read a book, or sketch, or spend an hour on the idiot board or something. I don't need to root for fucking laundry, an empty uniform. I never cared much about football, just casually enjoyed the game without a serious love for most of my life. But in early 2002 I went to Boston to buy a truck, and drove home in a blizzard. It was a long and treacherous drive, traffic was basically crawling for 200 miles. The only thing I could find on the radio was the Pats/Raiders game (the "tuck-rule" game), and I listened to it, alone in my car, from the first snap. It was exciting as hell, and I had a fantastic time listening to it. I had no dog in that fight, but I loved hearing about this kid, this underdog sixth-round-pick quarterback who stepped in when Bledsoe went down, and by the end of the game I was a fan. I've been a Pats fan ever since. And over time I've learned a lot more about the game and the organization and I like Kraft and I like Bellichick (the cheater!), and I like the mindset of the way the team is run. So am I a bandwagon fan? Who cares? To me, there's no honor in standing by a group of millionaires employed by a billionaire who don't care about me, who don't play well or make decisions designed to improve the product or give me something real to root for, and if I find a couple players I like there's a good chance they'll be traded away anyway. So who or what am I rooting for? So I'm a Pats fan. Partially, I suppose, because they win. But they win because they play really well, and that's fun to watch. Shit, if you make transmissions or perform heart surgery and you do those things better than most other people on the planet, I would probably enjoy watching you do it. But I can't see a single thing that's interesting about watching people consistently suck at their jobs. Sorry, but I don't see much loyalty anywhere in sports, from players, owners, or coaches - and they all make absurd amounts of money to do what they do. There's no reason for me to waste the little free time I have being loyal to an empty name, just because it happens to be in my town. [/end fan is short for fanatic rant.]
Jesus tap dancing Christ. I just stopped in cause my Sunday Funday landed me home early for driving purposes. A quick glance on my phone tells me we are sports talk. I love sports, but my teams blow and I'm over this topic. Waning hours of the drunk thread. Anything? I could start but it's (as usual) about sex and booze. That would be totally out of place here.