Yeah man, on paper I am a hipster and a half by that definition. My dad and grandpas are too- hell they taught me most of that hipster stuff. However the reasons why I do those things and why hipsters do those things, bear zero resemblance.
Well Ghetto, if slaughtering, drying, curing, and smoking delicious pork products means I'm a hipster. I guess I'm a well fed hipster. BTW. I'm making Canadian Bacon, Andouille, Tasso, Jagerwurst, and Hungarian Paprika Brats, this weekend. Anyone have any recommendations on type of wood to smoke with? Cherry? Hickory? Anyone want to discuss the finer points?
Luke, why don't you just move to Brooklyn already. Making Jagerwurst is about the most hipster thing imaginable.
Personally, I'm a fan of cherry whenever I smoke. It's a much milder, basic smoke that you can't really screw up. Kinda like the chicken stock of smoking in that it works with everything. That being said, if you're going heavy on the seasoning in your meats, adding a bit of hickory towards the end will help accentuate that 'punch' you'd expect. And if discussing the finer points of smoking processed dead animals is hipster-ish, than I've apparently been a hipster for quite some time now. I also apparently need to make my way over to the BBQ thread when I get home and have access to my better pictures.
Focus: You may be a hipster... ...if your hat is this cool blaze orange color but you have no idea what it is for. ...if the band doesn't exist but you still know about them. ...if this is what you accomplished over the weekend: (Posted on Facebook by a highschool classmate of mine)
Oh, really? More on topic, I always thought that the former Stuff White People Like blog (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>) was pretty much the definitive guide to hipsters.
To be a hipster you just have to be snobby about things that no one has any business being snobby about. Like velvet paintings or tin whistles.
I think "hipster" has a tinge of negativity built into it these days. I have a few friends that would qualify as "hipsters" but I'd never toss it at them in a negative way way. One just loves dressing a bit differently and has some obscure indie music preferences, but he's a great dude and far from an obnoxious braggart. The others are much closer to the dictionary definition. Plenty of tattoos, my buddy has a HEFTY beard, he's prone to suspenders and boots, she wears alot of rompers, and they are opening a furniture store because alot of their friends are craftsmen and don't have an easy outlet for selling their goods. He's an incredibly talented musician and is in a folky sort of band where the lead singer has a pretty Boardwalk Empire-style mustache and they all dress kind of like extras from a theater version of a Steinbeck novel, but its not super affected, its just them. And they are all pretty unpretentious and generally great people, they just have some really off-kilter interests, at least compared to other people they/I know. Don't get me wrong, I HATE the overly showing and obnoxious hipster tools. I use "Look at this fucking hipster" about 3-4 times a week and am always baffled how hipster women obsessed with organic and vegan foods still have unremarkable bodies (its because they eschew any exercising beyond a single yoga class biweekly, for chi purposes). But I'm saying that there are enough people that might get branded as such based on appearance or interests that aren't necessarily deserving of such derision.
I've never considered "Hipster" to be strictly about style or taste, it's about flaunting your style or taste and making a "look at me" statement with them. That guy at Starbuck's wearing those "hipster" clothes and listening to that indie band typing a manuscript on a manual typewriter, wanting you to notice and marvel in his superior taste but getting annoyed when you look at him? Total Fucking Hipster. Same guy without the typewriter or attitude? Totally normal dude.
I would consider my friend's girlfriend to be a hipster. She doesn't dress ironically or anything. With her, its more about being very judgmental of anyone who she doesn't perceive to be as cultured or open-minded. She spent several years in Italy while going to architecture school so now she thinks she is Italian and sometimes puts on a mild fake accent so people look at her quizzically and ask her where she's from. Then she fakes humility as she proudly goes into her "story". But one on one, or in a small group of familiar people, she has zero accent. Whats worse is that shes really fucking dumb and insecure. And any and all sarcasm goes right over her head. She rides her bicycle to places where its not safe(because of traffic) and then wants everyone to know she rode her bicycle when she gets there. But the one thing that did me in was during an outdoor dinner party. The idea was that they were going to project a movie onto the back of her house and a bunch of people were going to sit there and drink beer and eat all sorts of food. And because she wants everyone to constantly be reminded she lived in Italy, she planned an Italian movie night. Everyone arrives with their dish for the potluck style event. While they were still getting all the food ready, my friend threw Ferris Bueller on the projector and everyone is thrilled. Thinking she changed her mind for the movie, people were actually entertained. Once she came out, she said, "Ok! Time for the movie!" Turns off Bueller and puts on some silent black and white movie that was filmed in Italy. Immediately sucked all the fun out of the night. People started leaving in droves within 10 minutes. I left 20 minutes into it. My friend told me the next day that everyone left within 45 minutes and Emily(the hipster) was heartbroken. Telling him, that no one there was cultured. There have been no more movie nights since.
Not sure if Hipster or Aspergers. I honestly think the two are related. Jesus fuck, why do people think it is so damn cool to live in another country? Especially when your home country is VASTLY superior to where you lived abroad? Italy has the infrastructure of the garbage compactor from Star Wars. I would rather watch child snuff films than Ferris Bueller. But underground snuff, none of the mainstream garbage you fucking conformists yield to.
This. If you call anyone else a hipster... You might be a hipster. That guy standing near you at the concert? He's not a real fan. You're the real fan; fucking hipsters. As a pejorative, "hipster" is anyone you want to culturally look down upon, and accordingly is a meaningless word.