LeBron James[/b I think a career-ending injury on behalf of this asshole would truly make me smile a warm smile. I hate this guy. I don't CARE how talented he is, he's a piece of shit that take "vile egotism" to strange, horriffic new heights. I mean seriously, "Chosen One"? You're stupid megalomanical "answer" show? You're the fucking ANTICHRIST. You think you're better than Michael Jordan, I get it. Except that a) you're not, and b) you're NOT. You can't be happy with the fact you make millions to wear your stupid 1980's excercise headband on the court and whine like you play for the Spurs whenever somone dares to bump into you while taking 6 steps with the ball. You're a fucking disgrace to athletes. Please, PLEASE die in a car accident. Technology Slaves While your blathering away on your cell phone, where you aware you were talking to a real person-- right in front of you-- before your phone rang and you just HAD to discuss the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars with Gemma? You text to somebody in the same building as you? You think internet news is reliable? This whole "Have it my way, RIGHT way, and don't make me wait one single second" seems to be the flagship catchphrase of the Me Generation. Did you know that cellphone currents have proven habits of knocking bees out out of the sky (science talking again)? We will kill our entire species off if the bee goes extinct, because people choose to yak-yak-yak themselves to death. Opinion News Reporters My arch-enemies. Remember when reporters reported NEWS? Remember when we had crusaders who told us the truth about the world by getting OUT THERE in the world: Dan Rather, Tom Brockaw, and the fearless madman Mike Wallace. Well, most of you DON'T remember them. In fact Dan Rather was fired because he told the truth about an ex-president's war-dodging, despite everything he reported were facts. Did you hear that??? FACTS. Remember those, you fucking PUSSIES??? When we didn't listen to mouthy shitheels with Art History degrees tell the world that only THEY are right, and everyone that disagrees with them hates their country. What. The Fuck. Happened? We're supposed to depend on you to keep us up-to-date on what's going on in the world, but only your personal opinion matters. Die in a fire, and take ALL your co-workers and producers with you.
The only group I can truly say I want to go away is the Westboro Baptist Church. I don't understand how they get away with protesting funerals. This is really the only group of people that make me physically ill with anger. The worst part is that you can't have a conversation with them because they believe so much in their hatred. I understand that they have a right to their religious beliefs, but when the KKK thinks you've gone too far, you should probably be considered a hate group.
You're mistaken. Those people are way outclassed by 20 & 30 something middle/upper-class white male neo-cons. Nobody combines an enormous entitlement complex + complete willful ignorance of their own privilege + asinine whining about anyone outside of their demographic getting any sort of favorable treatment quite like they do. It's basically the frat-bro culture with a political position.
At the risk of earnestness, I find most parody rap obnoxious and annoying on a visceral level. I understand that it's all in good fun. Really, I do. And no one culture has a monopoly on an idea as vague as "consistent rhyming patterns over a backbeat." On its face, it's fine. The reality of it, though, is that it tends to appropriate without appreciating, and that's a fucking insidious thing to do to a culture that I love. It tends to further the notion that rapping lacks skill, and parody raps are almost universally lazy in their scope and execution. It's asinine that somebody like Karmin gets to be on Ellen, simply for being able to muster up a passable cover of something that somebody who wasn't a cute white girl wrote and conceived. Yes, it's hard to rap as quickly as Busta does. You know what's even harder? Writing the fucking thing and then performing it. Even something as blandly inoffensive as Great Rap Battles of History just makes me sad that people will confuse hacky and mediocre schlock that could be written by any mid-tier battler with access to a wikipedia as some sort of hilarity.