Aside from maybe some melodramatic sighing, what's the actual problem here? Being efficient? Focus: First-tier tech support. Seriously, I used to work this job for an ISP, it's reading off a computer screen that tells you what to say and do step by step. The amount of smug bullshit from tech support, or any first tier customer service really, is downright nauseating. The lying, the lecturing, the condescension, it's beyond infuriating. Insurance companies, cable companies, phone companies, computer companies, dear fucking Christ, what the hell is wrong with these people that makes them so sanctimonious in the face of a polite individual calling to inquire about some issue that has come up?
I'm going to agree with vegans (although I also include vegetarians on there, even though I do know some that aren't always pushing their views in my face). They're so annoying. I'm also going to second the travelers point from the original post. The already stated deluded sense of being well-versed in the culture and being on a higher spiritual level than me is annoying enough, but what I always can't stand is when I express how I wish I could travel more and they always respond with something along the lines of "Well, why don't you?" with this bewildered look on their face as if it never occurred to them that it takes a shitload of money to do so, as well as the risk of leaving a job, and the hassles of interrupting your life involved, and as if I don't spend a lot of time and consideration trying to figure out how I could travel more only to be faced with the sad conclusion again and again that I simply am unable to. But, to throw in a new group, I have a deep-seated hatred of musicians and actors. I lump them together because their annoying qualities are pretty similar. They are both really self-obsessed, and I find actors' personalities and their constant strive for attention tiring, frustrating and obnoxious.
When I saw the topic these were the exact 3 groups I was going to pick. When I lived in Beijing I used to run into these dumbasses all the time. They always kept offering advice about the country to anyone who would listen, and 95% of the time it was something stupid. It was always funny when they'd see me start speaking Chinese and then watching how small it made them feel inside because they couldn't do it. Along this note, I fucking hate, absolutely loathe people who haven't traveled and babble like they're comsopolitans. Guess what asshole, taking that week long vacation to France didn't teach you shit. I had a philosophy class where everyone was hating on American culture. I was the only one who disagreed and the only one WHO HAD ACTUALLY TRAVELED. These fucking morons were going on and on about how Chinese/Vietnamese/whatever bumfuck country was so superior to American materialism and blah blah blah. I'd love to see some of those people witnessing these 'cultured' people beating each other death over the most mundane nonsense. Why don't you dipshits actually live in a place where the value of human life is lower before you shit all over your own culture? It was so aggravating how they all rolled their eyes and acted like I was an idiot when I was the only person in the class who had actually spent extended time outside the states. Most of them hadn't even left the country. I'm all pro exercise and everything, but I hate people who don't even play a sport and waste 20 hours in the gym a week. Naturally, they never shut the fuck up about how great it is. Why the hell would you waste that much time just exercising anyway? Unless you're a pro athlete, or are training for a marathon or something you don't really need more than 4-5 hours a week. These guys are also the kind that always try to hit on girls by telling them they're using the machine wrong. It's fucking lame and just makes you look like a douche. I'll add crazy feminists too. I don't see anything wrong with just being a feminist. It's just kind of silly and unecessary most of the time. However, man haters are fucking delusional. I met this one absolutely hideous girl in a bar who started ranting to me about this. On a 1-10 scale she was a negative 6. She was at least 100 pounds overweight, was telling me drinking was wong in a bar, and claiming all men were rapists/violent/etc. I started laughing and told her all of this and then said, "And you think think the problem is with men?" She didn't take it well, but fuck her. It's not our gender's fault we're not interested in slithering blobs that barely look human.
Oh, so ALL people who dismiss other groups and subcultures with sweeping generalizations are narrow minded? HMMMM?!?!?
Engineers who have recently completed their MBA Congratulations on officially being part of the smartest group on the planet, your grandiosity and lack of any social grace is nicely accentuated by your condescending tone and err of superiority. Enjoy paying back your student loan, I would say it will be around longer than your children but the chances of you having a chance to procreate are slim.
It's not the efficiency that bugs me. It's the display. They stand around giving other people that "THIS FUCKIN' GUY" look. And after they get through security, they hussle around like they are playing AAA ball and give other people the stink eye. Yes, it sucks you have to spend so much time in an airport, but get the huuuuuuge chip off your shoulder, douchebag. You know damn well the type of traveler I mean.
An MBA? Smartest group on the planet? I'll assume you're joking and leave it at that. FOCUS: Political correctness nazis. Those guys who think that everything you say is derogatory and go out of their way to avoid describing someone by their race, sex or gender - and if they must use such descriptions, they pick the longest, meaningless (and often incorrect) batch of words. If the conversation comes around to, let's say, Nelson Mandela or Robert Mugabe, they're likely to refer to him as "african american". If you seriously talk to most of these people for a while, it becomes pretty obvious that their political correctness is just a thin facade over the racism/sexism/homophobia they're trying to hide. How ironic.
I've actually heard people bitch about that term as well. They complain that white people aren't called European American. Nope, they're called Italian American, German American, and so on. It amazes me how easily some people are offended.
Fly Fishermen Yeah, I said it. For the most part, you're a bunch of smug pricks that revel in telling people "it's a great fighting fish for it's size" or "it's the most difficult, challenging type of fishing around". Oh really? Fuck off. I'm sick of seeing you assholes wearing your long sleeve shirts and stupid fucking hats on a 90 degree day. Great fighting fish for it's size? That just means you're not able to handle a fish that can really fight. Try hooking into a sturgeon or flathead sometime. Most challenging type of fishing? Try muskie fishing where having one or two fish simply follow your lure throughout the course of an 8 hour day is considered a successful outing. It's no wonder you most likely drive a Prius.
Fuck you, former athletes who think because they played a sport that makes them all-knowing, and makes your opinion worthless since you didn't partake in the sport. From people in high school who played football who always tried ending arguments with "STFU you don't even play football" after I schooled them on why a certain quarterback is shitty or why the 49ers chug jizz like its their job to people in the boxing world that compiled amazing records like 3-11-2 [1 KO] who must obviously know the sport better than I since I am just a pencil pushing journalist who has only followed boxing for my whole life. This also extends to shitty professional analysts of sports that are fucking retards that get all the good gigs. The next time I have to listen to Mark Schlereth be a hypocrite I am going to fucking murder him.
I can't believe no one has mentioned "people in relationships that believe they are better than single people." Spoiler taken person: HIII! OMFG I'm TAKEN by OMG the BEEESSTT guy EVVVEERRR!! He's SOOO cute and OMFG we go to MOVIES together and do FRENCH KISSES and all!! YAYYY FLOWERS and ICE CREAM and PRESENTS!!! He's SOOO awesome and makes me SOOOO HAPPY!!!! single person: -_-.... *walks away* And no it’s not like I’m bitter or anything because I’m a 24 year old virgin that’s never had a girlfriend nor been kissed
Aging Comedy Snobs at Open Mics We get it. You're an expert. You've read all the how-to books and biographies. You caught every episode of Lucky Louie. The only way you could hate Dane Cook more is if all your friends started liking him. You've embraced Carlin, Kaufman, Hicks and Hedberg, only to reject them because "everyone's ripping them off now, and they weren't really that funny to begin with" and because they're too dead to wipe the floor with your lazy, insecure, never-was ass. And, after 10+ years of carefully crafted mediocrity, you still hang around open mics, judging the novices harshly, exclaiming "Chris Rock" every time some new black dude makes a joke about black-on-black crime and trying to fuck female comics you don't respect. I've been doing open mics for three years, and it's a grueling experience. I only keep doing it because I actually enjoy getting five minutes to say whatever I want, watching the new people work out their shit, the thrill of the unpredictable, and especially the occasional ranting nutcase. All kidding aside, it's still fun for me. I can't imagine still doing this in 10 years if I became as bitter and condescending as you. And I can't imagine you spent this long in this ruthless boiler room without growing aware of the vast gulf between your self-regard and your actual talents. You've become a decent joke writer, and you know all the tricks, but you, quite frankly, are nothing special. You had a spark when you started, but you slowly traded inspiration for formula, your self-consciousness became a crutch, and now you're just garbage. Surely you've noticed by now that "funny" is wildly subjective. I've done the exact same bits that killed in one room and watched them bomb in another room. A lot of the college-age kids you dis at the open mics make me laugh harder than your heroes. You've experienced this, way more than I have. The only reason you'd keep holding yourself up as the Aristotelian arbiter of humor is to mask your howling insecurities. I can dig it. It's hard to look down the barrel of 40 and realize you'll probably never have that HBO special, probably can't do better than that shrew of a wife/girlfriend you mock on stage, and passed on many opportunities to do something else with your life. But when you take it out on the new people who are still finding their voices and having some fun with this, it doesn't help matters, and it doesn't make you seem smart. Or funny. Or anything except old.
Well, I'm not 7'10" like you so I can't just reach to the back of the bar with my Manute Bol arms and grab whatever I feel like when Ricky or Hunter or whatever his name is with his bow-tie wearing ass isn't doing his job. I'm not saying they're all assholes. However, I've worked around various bar scenes longer than most people on here, and 90% of MALE bartenders are fucking douchebags. Yes, bar partons are assholes. You're preaching to the choir.
Parents. Now, I must put a disclaimer on this post that not all people that spawn are like this, but I seem to run across these people more often than not. You know the types. The ones that live only for their kids, look down on those that don't want them (citing "jealousy" of their happiness) and try to tell you every single good reason about procreation, neglecting to mention the bad. I don't mind people asking me if I want kids. Hell, I don't mind if they ask why I don't want them. Where I start to get pissed is to hear "But it's different when it's yours! You're so good with kids, you should have one! Just have a baby already, you'll see!" Stop trying to get me to drink the Kool Aid, Momma. I don't want a baby, I don't want your life, I want to live mine without having to hear about what a selfish bitch I am for being kid-less. Or, if they're not critiquing my choice to remain childless, they're critiquing others for their parenting choices. She let the baby cry it out? We never let Junior do that, it's cruel! She doesn't breastfeed? Well, I breastfed Junior 'til he was five! She is a working mother? I stayed home with Junior until he went off to law school last year! I could go on and on.
We're lazy, and they indulge us at wal-mart. No, i have never used one of those things except after surgery for a torn ACL... And i am actively working on not being fat, down 65 pounds now!