After that jealous rant about TX I need to stop here and just say, yes, CharlesJohnson did make sweeping generalizations about vegans. He is friends with douchebags and therefore assumes that ALL vegans are douchebags. Your are perceiving the world the way you want to see it because accepting that there are cool vegans and lame vegans would mean you couldn't bitch about them and stroke your ego. Yeah man, it's impossible that you just kind of suck and don't have cool friends. I know that a bunch of you hateful internet jockeys will start raging for posting this and to you I recommend looking inwards before stereotyping subcultures filled with millions of different individuals. Saying that generalizations are based on reality/part of human nature/black people really are subhumans doesn't make it okay for you to use them. Black people are lazy niggers. Jews are money hoarding kikes. Wetbacks can only mow lawns. All generally true, no? Edit for clarity: I am obviously an offender of this but still agree 100%. I'm not a master sage and certainly do not know enough to accurately pigeonhole subgroups with numbers in the millions
Take a day off for being an incredibly annoying douchebag. And, funnily enough, a smug son of a bitch.
Phillip Rivers. People who use Facebook to show off how much smarter/more in tune with society they are: A bunch of my friends (ages 18-25) use Facebook now solely to put other people down. Yes, that fad where everybody was changing their pictures to cartoons was annoying. The 20 people who posted their attempts at witty put-downs about how the cartoon fad was doing nothing were ten times more annoying.
In the same vein, Uhh... I bow hunt exclusively when I go deer hunting. It's just more sporting. Is there anything worse then fucking rednecks that think they are better than anybody for any reason? Normally they don't rail against gun hunters but fuck do they think their shit don't stink because the deer has more of a sporting chance. The only real thing they have over gun hunters is the 3 extra months of hunting. That's it.
Pregnant women. Oh, you're eating for two? Well good for fucking you, but none of us remember asking. Seriously, I just asked if the pasta salad was good. Look lady, none of us really give a shit about your kid. We were making polite conversation, and now we've been sucked into a 25 minute story about buying baby furniture. And it gets worse when the kid is actually born. No, your translation of gurgling sounds are not interesting to anyone besides you. No, we don't want to hear about the first poop. And when was the last time you went more than 10 minutes without pulling those pictures out of your purse? Give them a rest. He or she may be your bundle of joy, but here's the thing about babies: they're pretty much all the same. Seen one of them, you've pretty much seen them all. Yes, I'll "never get it" until I have a children. I'm ok with that, because you are a fucking broken record.
Focus: People whose brains automatically make assumptions and generalizations from limited information, even those who can ultimately have a sense of humor and perspective about this. Fuck those motherfuckers.
The most annoying group I've ever encountered would have to be bicycle riders. Near me it's not uncommon to see a lot of Hispanic people biking to work. However, they are always within 6 inches of the curb, and/or on the grass, and are nearly always considerate and aware of their surroundings. Contrast them with the fuckers in full exercise suits, hundred dollar bikes, and various other unnecessarily expensive gadgets who think they deserve a full quarter of the lane you're riding in. Honking doesn't work, in fact most of them look back at the car as if they are right and it's your job to accommodate them on the road. Fuck entitled spoiled bikers.
Cyclists slowing down my lane doesn't bother me, as I'm never in a hurry while driving. That's also taking into account that the traffic is very tame. My only issue with cyclists, as a whole, are that a good number of them don't have bells on their bikes. When I'm walking, most of the time I can hear them coming from behind. However, sometimes I can't, and if for some reason I step a little to the side, or slip, or whatever, I run the risk of getting barreled into because they didn't signal they were coming. Hell, I'd settle for a vocal cue, but oftentimes I get nothing. This has only resulted in physical injury once, but once is already one too many.
Personally, I think there are different types and areas of smugness. For example, when it comes to opinions, be they about entertainment, business, or politics, I'm generally a smug son of a bitch myself. But there is a meritocracy of sorts here; if a smug person makes predictions and statements, and they're wrong, everyone laughs at them, and if they're right, maybe they know something after all. There is a certain "litmus test". And the same extends to people who are smug sons of bitches about their job/education; (which I am not, personally) if their bravado matches their results, then more power to them, and I give them all the respect they deserve. If they fail, then they deserve to cruelly mocked. What bugs me are people who are "smug" without any way to prove themselves one way or the other, and no real arguments/suggestions behind their sense of superiority. For instance, people who claim to be spiritual, or look down upon the evils of corporate America. Well, I certainly can't prove jack shit about your "spirituality" one way or the other, and neither can you. Thus, while there is nothing innately wrong with the idea of spirituality itself, it's an irritating platform from which to consider yourself superior to others. And as for people bitching about "those greedy executives, man", try working a white collar job, or reading about the restrictions, problems, lawsuits, security, distribution, marketing, and million and one headaches that go into a business. Give us poor, greedy idiots some constructive ideas on what needs improvement, instead of blanket statements about "soulless consumer capitalism". (I hate generic buzzwords) But most of these smug bastards never, ever do, and those brave enough to try end up suggesting something about as intelligent as a third grader trying to fix the national space program.
I'm pretty sure there is no more smug bunch of worthless assholes than Aggies. If you have ever had the displeasure of meeting one, you know EXACTLY what I mean.
Foodies. I have a few "foodie" friends. I don't like that term, so I'll call them people who are too obsessive over food. They're too smug about food. They criticize my cooking habits, that a steak has to be done a certain way or else it's trash or that it's a faux pas to pair the wrong food with the wrong wine. You know what? I don't give a fuck. I like what I like, unlike these smug people, I've actually been a part of the production of food, as I grew up on a farm. I've helped slaughter/butcher, taken care of chickens, etc. On the flip side, I'm an annoying smug jerk myself. I proud myself in liking "good beer". Out here in middle of nowhere rural Canada, everyone likes Bud Light Lime or generic lagers. I make fun of them each and every time about it. No wonder why I no longer get invited to house parties.