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You used to roll up in THAT?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rei, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    My first car was a 1990 Buick Lesabre hand-me-down from Mom that looked almost identical to the pic below. It was like driving a lazy-boy couch. By the end, the brakes, steering and suspension were all failing, the engine needed major work, and the roof liner was held up with staples and glue. *sniff* I miss that car.

    The first car I bought is the car I drive now. 2006 Mustang Convertible, 5-spd V6. She's purty.
  2. HiTopChucks

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    Oct 22, 2009
    My first (and as of now, only) car was this glorious automobile I affectionately referred to as "Snootz." Me and Dad built it and other than a couple of glitches, this thing is a beast. I hit a gravestone and knocked out the windshield and it still looks pristine. The only downside is that everyone knows who drives the car, so when I hit someone's mailbox or gesture angrily at pedestrians, I'm sure to hear about it sooner or later.

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  3. SaintBastard

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Dirty South
    Drove a '81 Nissan Pathfinder in 2003. 160,000 miles. It was a fossil and cost me more in repairs than I paid for the car and all within the span of six months. If it was a horse, they would of put it down years ago.
  4. Pistol Pete

    Pistol Pete
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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 21, 2009
    First car was a 1991 Ford I should say Ford EXPLODER.


    Fucking thing was a piece of shit, couldn't go faster than 60 in the fucking thing. Eventually the tranny blew and ended up costing more to fix than the car itself was worth. Ended up making the car workable...and sold it really quick before the buyer realized the tranny was a piece of shit. Took the cash and used it for a down payment on a 2000 Grand Cherokee...then got a 2002 Chevy Silverado...then went back to a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee...pretty much sticking with the jeep for now.
  5. wildquackr1

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 22, 2009

    This lovely rear-wheel drive, 5 speed was a champ. Even though the one pictured above didn't have the sweet louvers on the back windshield, nor the 'Stunt Driver on Board' tag, the Green Hornet ruled the streets of small-town Oklahoma for maybe about a year. Upgrades included:

    1. Studded snow tires, year round
    2. THe cassette player I asked for one Christmas, wouldn't fit in the radio spot... So Dad red-necked a solution through the glovebox. Look great (debateable) and that f'in player never met a tape it didn't consume. Nice garage-sale pick-up, Pops.
    3. Ratty, sheepskin seatcovers. It's true, I brought the sexy back in 1988.
    4. the addidas soccer ball rolling around in the hatchback all the time
    5. Only 3 of the sweet-ass honeycomn hubcaps
    6. Shoe-goo on the rust-spots on the roof

    Benefits of the Hornet:
    1. Ummm... studded snow tires, year round
    2. Has been used as a snow bank tunnel digger
    3. Nasty seatcovers covered most stains
    4. All the tail from those lucky ladies that had a hankerin' for my sweet, sweet soccer mullet on my 5'5, 95lb frame

    Loved that car. Came back from Spring Break, and she was gone. My parents said she went to a lovely family up north with lots of room to roam and play.

    In the spirit of some of the threads, I attempted an MSPaint of the upgrades, but could bring myself to draw a Unicorn or a brush violating the sweet, green ride.

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  6. nate84405

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    1989 chevy celibrity, I affectionately named it black lightning. It was absolutely horrible. Drivers seat would always fall back while I was driving effectively leaving me blind. No ac, randomly would shut off and not turn back on, radio was possesed and would turn on at full volume randomly. But, it was comfy as hell and the back seat was the size of a couch. I ended up giving it to my neighbor who now lives in a park in Oregon.

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  7. Diogenes The Cynic

    Diogenes The Cynic
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    My first car was a, '86 Chevy Camaro. It was a hand-me-down from my brother who was using it as a project car. He essentially revived it from the dead, and in the middle of the restoration, he removed the paint so he could even it out. Its a shame he never did because by the time he got around to it, the entire body was rusting.

    That's the point at which I got the car. I put serious work into removing the rust by hand, and when I got sick of that, we decided that we could then primer the car. During the primering phase I discovered that different brands of primer have different shades. This isnt much of a problem when you paint the car...........which I never got around to. So I had a car with different shades of primer, paint visible in the door wells, but nowhere else, and bumpers that were multicolored.

    The only good thing the primer did was cover up the rust and bondo from the untrained eye.

    The interior was awesome. Plenty of room to move anything around, fold down rear seats, good visibility, super comfortable seats, and most of the speakers were working. The one problem? The roof liner was off. I eventually got sick of it, and cut it all off with a pocketknife. I did not count of the cushioning coming off the roof as a result of that. Whenever I hit a bump a layer of that stuff came off and coated my head with greenish padding. Because of that, I always wore a hat while driving.

    The shocks didn't work, and the rear hatch couldn't reengage to lock, so I avoided opening the trunk at all costs, because if I did, it would take two people to relock it. One had to crawl into the trunk section of the car from the inside and push the broken mechanical lock up while another person outside pushed down on the hatch. It was either that, or I would drive for months with the trunk latch unlocked (no one would care to steal from my crappy looking car anyways) with the hatch opening and closing with a ker-thunk every time I hit a pothole. I eventually solved the problem by drilling a bolt through the lock to keep it in place.

    I don't think other people understand what happens when you put your energy into fixing your car. You change the coolant system, install new hydrolics, fix the electrical problems, and become emotionally attached to what you drive, but damn I used to love that car.
  8. TJMax

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    Oct 19, 2009
    North Las Vegas
    First car: 1981 Oldsmobile Cutlass wagon that my brother dubbed THE DRAGON WAGON!
    Like this, only shit brown:

    For all around crappiness, I suppose that would also be my worst. The most unreliable would be my second car, an '88 Saab 9000 Turbo. Fun car, but please don't get me started...

    Anti-focus: Current ride: 2003 BMW 540i 6-speed. I won the game I started in May '93 with the Dragon Wagon. If a drunk totaled it tomorrow, I think I'd just go back to square one with a Craigslist special.
  9. Hack

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 21, 2009
    Los Angeles