Ugh, stalled a manual transmission for the first time today, embarrassing myself in front of the salesman. There went my testicles.
Going back to the money in marriage question posted by D26, I had this conversation last week with a few of my girlfriends. The relationships ranged from one wife getting an angry text 5 minutes after she paid $25 to check a bag at the airport, to one who had just bought a $1000 LV handbag without consulting her husband. My views fall somewhere in the middle. I don't think I would question a $200 purchase personally, but I suppose it depends on your financial situation. You could always do what I do when I wonder if I really should have just spent whatever amount while shopping. Pose it to her as "look at my new phone, let me show you what it can do" (in my case, it is usually "look at my new shoes, aren't they cute") and see how she responds. If she starts to go ballistic, just say, "oh, sorry, I didn't think it would be a big deal" so the other person feels bad about making a big deal about it. Of course this is all dependent on if you have had previous similar conversations and the expectations are clearly set. Now here is my dilemma of the day, we are supposed to go to a party being thrown by one of my husband's friends and I still am kind of sick. Now, I do feel better, but I have realized that I feel better when laying on the couch, not so much when I am up and moving about. Do I suck it up and go for an hour or two or bag out and ruin his weekend as well as mine (I know that he won't go without me)
Wow. You kids are way too chatty today. Keep it down. Looking forward to my husband being gone for the night and being able to nurse a bottle of wine while I cuddle with the dog.
Hooker, that sounds like the perfect night to me. Hows about I send my husband out with your husband so I don't feel bad about blowing him off.
I like wine, lots and lots of wine. I'll bring some of my UPS delivery wine. It is a gorgeous day and I am wasting it away being sick. Maybe I should take the dogs for a walk, surely I can manage that, right?
I was supposed to do something cultural today before the meetup, but then I was hungover, so I decided to sit around in bed on the internet until I eventually drag myself to Manhattan. Thankfully, I ended up being quite cultured because I discovered this: ANIMALS TALKING IN ALL CAPS. It gets funnier the more you read it, but I thought this one was appropriate to share: I WILL NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS ON THE INTERNET. I WILL NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS ON THE INTERNET. I WILL NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS ON THE INTERNET. I WILL NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS WITH YOUR FAT, MUSTARD STAINED, UGLY, DIPSHIT, BUCK TOOTHED, FASHION BACKWARD, SPLIT END FACTORY ASS ON THE INTERNET. I WILL NOT GET INTO ARGUMENTS ON THE INTERNET. I AM AN ADULT. I WEAR VERY EXPENSIVE BOOTS. I READ BOOKS FOR PLEASURE. I WILL NOT COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH. I WILL NOT COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH. I WILL NOT COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH. I found it in the comments of where this picture was posted: This is especially funny to me because pugs are my favorite.
Oh, please. It's an easy drinking merlot. Not too much bite and not too little. Fruity, but it doesn't overdo it. You're just being a Grumpy Gus for nothing.
I found a posting on Craigslist for a job that I really, really want. Like, my heart started beating really fast and I'm super nervous. I need my resume and cover letter to be perfect. I know this is the drunk thread, but does anyone have recent experience with a job application who can give me tips? I'm also nervous about replying to something that was posted on Craigslist, even though I looked up the company and it seems legit. God, if I could get this job I would be so happy. It has good pay, good benefits, PERFECT location, in the field I want to be in...
My husband found his last three jobs on Craigslist. Do you already have a resume and cover? Or are you doing it all from scratch?
I have a cover letter and resume (thank you, technical writing class) but I will tweak my cover letter to better suit that company. I went to the company site and they are indeed hiring for that position. I'm just nervous about replying to some anonymous person over a craigslist email about a job...especially if I send my resume with my personal info on it. I'm also just nervous in general because I don't want to fuck this up. Seriously, this is PERFECT. I don't think I'll find anything as perfect as this again soon.
So here is your "waaay to much information" post of the night. I got a jacket from a neighbor about 1 year ago, a really nice Columbia Sportswear jacket. I wore it continuously last winter, put it away for a couple of months, and then started wearing it again when we had a really cold summer, and then started wearing it again when we got here to Europe almost every day. The thing is, it never once occurred to me to wash it until today when my wife said "it is time to wash that thing. It doesn't smell, but it just looks like it needs it." Now, our washing machine drains into the bathtub, so she decided she wanted to see how dirty the water would be, so she plugged the drain. She imagined a light grey water. The water was dark brown with dirt. Even after the second wash the water was still coming out greenish grey. After draining, there was a layer of grit on the bottom of the tub. And now that the coat is dry? It weighs at least 6-8 ounces less. So guys, wash your jackets. They are way dirtier than you imagine.
As far as the cover letter goes, I would customize it to meet their requirements. If they say they are looking for a candidate who has this that and this, then reply how you specifically fulfill this that and this, with details if possible. Mention something that shows you did some research about the company maybe. Since you said that there is a job listing on the company website, can you apply through there instead of Craig's List if you aren't comfortable responding with your private info directly to the craigs list ad?
I've looked and cannot find a place on their site to apply. I did find a couple phone numbers and emails of staff on the site, but their positions were unrelated to the hiring process. I do plan on tailoring my cover letter to make me appear as wonderful as possible. I mean, since all the stuff I've been applying for has been wildlife biology type stuff, it won't be a huge change. Also, part of the job posting says, "Compensation: The salary range for this Entry to Mid-LEVEL position is based on a combination of education, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. Please submit your salary requirements with this position." I have no idea. I know what I would like, but I don't know what is appropriate in that area for an entry level position at that company.