January. We're settling on a date. It will probably be one of the dates that Miss Galore posted, since no one has offered up anything else and it is far enough in advance that nearly anything is ok.
Well, the dragon t-shirt number has been greatly reduced. So it either got a hell of a lot cooler or a hell of a lot worse depending on your view of the world.
It's cool man, after blowing chunks last night and once this morning, I didn't either. But between you, me, zyron, effinshenigans, and 100t2 we could do at CT meetup at some point
Hopefully we'll get real pics and stories from the NYC meetup. We American's need to show those Canadian's what's up. WE KNOW HOW TO MEET UP BITCHES. Anybody up for a Kansas City meet up? Let's see, we have Gravitas who lives somewhere in KS, ballsack who hopefully wouldn't be opposed to driving back to meet TiB'ers and will hopefully bring futurewife so we can see what the fuss is all about, abernetta who lives in cental MO (she just had a baby, but she could bring it, that would be nice), and BigPerson who went to Mizzou so I am assuming lives somewhere in the area (he can bring his kids diva and the thief to watch abby's newborn). I have seen somebody else around here with a KC specific avatar, so assume they are local. Oh yeah, this is shaping up to be quite a party.
So I'm watching scream 4 and 5 people got killed in the first ten minutes (well sort of 5 people). This is not as good as I remember the originals being.
It would be a 5-6 hour drive for me, but I would definitely try to go. I mean the bold sentence sums up my presence, but I think it would still be fun.
I really sold it as a good time, didn't I? I actually bet there are more people nearby that I didn't mention. There is somebody from Oklahoma who likes jam bands. (are you guys creeped out about my random knowledge of internet people yet?) We could make it work, I think.
Seems like the majority are Northeasterns and Canadians. Is there anyone on the West Coast? We should have a meet up and I could lurk near you guys and not say much. Gotta stay true to my personality on here.
The only two things that would make this nice steak house dinner better would be a baco noir instead of a crappy cab sauv, and if the table of SEVEN children next to us would stop throwing a simultaneous tantrum.
Yeah, there are more of us in flyover country than I first thought. I'm also up for a Denver meet up potentially.
Is there some advantage to drinking with a straw that I'm missing? No straw=faster drinking Also, I'm out of straws.
Ah, the ol' oral fixation thing. I should've guessed... In other news, hello bourbon. Hello baseball.