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You're a f*cking c*nt

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, May 14, 2013.


What's the worst swear word?

  1. C*nt

    30 vote(s)
  2. F*ck

    0 vote(s)
  3. N-word

    69 vote(s)
  4. Something else

    12 vote(s)
  5. I'm just here to fuck Kojak

    7 vote(s)
  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I have heard enough from stereotypes, personally. I am talking about white people, have we not been persecuted by other races for long enough? It's already bad enough that we have a humiliating genetic inability to jump or are unable to score with white women. To say we are filled with hate just fills me with hate.

    The truth is, we hate ourselves, the so-called "white guilt". It explains why we're all so insecure: nervously messing around on our iPhones while tucking in our shirts and dancing arrhythmically to top 40. Though we may always act like the cock of the walk, you can rest assure that we constantly berate ourselves in the bathroom mirror every night before crying ourselves to sleep on our Egyptian cotton pillowcases with the 1400 thread count. How do you expect us to NOT cry after we've been decimated by affirmative action for several decades now?

    Other races don't know about the involuntary harassment you get from being white: cab drivers always stopping and asking if we need a lift, everyone assuming we're on the sailing team, Scientology. It haunts us around every corner, waiting to spring up in our pasty, pierced, freckled faces.
  2. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out

    I don't know your friends, but this reminded me of a point I wanted to make:

    Most people don't like freaking out around their friends or making them uncomfortable. Speaking from personal experience, I don't always want to have to be the buzzkill. Hell, I don't ever want to have to be the buzzkill. And usually in the situation that somebody is bold enough to quote something like that, it's because there are laughs being shared and drinks being poured, and even if I'm a uncomfortable, I don't usually want to ruin the mood. Then I have to internally consider that I didn't say anything the first time it happened, or the next two, and now that friend thinks I'm "cool" with it, when really I just didn't want to be that guy who is overly sensitive or self-righteous.

    Just a friendly reminder that sometimes people let friends slide on things even if they don't really agree with them.
  3. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Exactly what Nom said.
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wow I never knew my black friends experience white guilt every time us whiteys rap Tupac lyrics in front of them.

    Personally, on the cunt front. I'll throw it out there and say I think WHORE is probably the worst thing to call a girl. While, cunt has become a taboo sort of a last resort thus carries a lot of weight. Cunt is really just a super charged version of the word bitch. I see whore as carrying a lot more weight and implications with the fucked up double standards with promiscuity that are much more universal than the definition of cunt is.
  5. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I agree with this 100%. Whore or Slut is way more offensive. Now I know it is not proper under the view of feminism to only discuss women in relation to men, but if you asked guys which would they rather have "A hot cunt that is exclusive to you" "or a hot nice girl that is a whore" they'd probably go for the first one. Whore seems way worse to me than cunt.

    Also, I completely forgot to mention that my favorite swear word, or swear phrase is "Fucking Retard" and mostly used in the question "Are you fucking retarded?"
  6. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hey what about 'kyke'? Was talking about this thread with a co-worker and we figure it's the closest to nigger, in terms of awfulness/offensiveness. From what I've read of its etymology, it's also similar in that it's had almost no other meanings over a long period of time. One difference is that it seems to have started as a term of endearment, at least in some places, among Jewish people, then became a slur, basically the opposite of nigger in this regard.

    Also came across this the other day. Easy there, A&W.

    Attached Files:

  7. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The thing with kike is that you just hear it so rarely, and aggressive discrimination and hatred towards Jewish people in the Western world is not nearly as common. Sure, there's the occasional ballsack out there, and you hear some comments on Israel that raise an eyebrow, but it's not an everyday experience in the way it is for women and blacks.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had a woman chastise me for using retard and said it was "like calling someone the n-word."
  9. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    You know this thread is dumb when it's low hanging fruit for 'sack, and even he doesn't come back to TiB for it.
  10. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    True enough. But damn, it's got the phonetic punch of 'cunt' and the disgusting racial history of nigger -- a scathing combination. Definitely the closest to nigger, in my mind.

    Not even close. In my opinion it falls into the category of something you do over something you are. Its connection to mentally disabled people is even thinner than faggot is to homosexuals. Shit, I call myself a retard at least a few times a week for doing something stupid, but never for my actual lack of intelligence/inability to learn new things. Same goes for if I use it towards a friend.
  11. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Yea but how many times have you caught yourself saying something is retarded or calling someone a retard in the company of someone with a retarded child?

    I've never felt like more of a retard.
  12. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I assume you meant "...someone with a mentally disabled child", unless you were being tongue-in-cheek.

    Don't remember the last time I've been around someone like that, but I remember calling things/people retarded when I was kid, and I was one of the kids who took turns being the "Recess Buddy" of the girl in our class who had downs syndrome. Obviously that's different though, because I was just a stupid kid, as opposed to now, when I'm a stupid adult(ish).

    Anyways, my point was just that retard is worlds away from nigger. Also, context matters -- a lot -- for everything that isn't a racial slur.
  13. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    If cunt were more offensive than the word nigger, sorority girls wouldn't be threatening to cuntpunt each other in e-mails.
  14. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    If nigger were more offensive than cunt, blacks wouldn't be calling each other niggers in everyday conversation. See what I did there?
  15. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Be intentionally stupid? Well done.
  16. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Our local news once did a story on a group trying to get people to stop saying " retard", only the news anchor read it as ."...the R-word."

    For a second I had no clue what he was talking about, but when I got it I thought it was rather idiotic. I think when you use terms such as " the r- word, the n- word" you give them even more power.

    You're going to offend someone nowadays by simply opening your mouth it seems. Still if "nigger" is a regular part of your vocabulary, no matter what color you are, you're a moron.

    Oh, and I love the word " fuck". Is a well rounded word and can be used in so many ways.
  17. TJMax

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    Oct 19, 2009
    North Las Vegas
    The word retard (long E, noun) has always been slang as far as I know. The term mentally retarded, on the other hand, came about as a euphemism for moron, idiot, simpleton, etc. Now that it's played out, we're supposed to say disabled, until people are saying, "Like OMG! Mr. Pointy Hair's rules are, like, disabled!" and then we'll need to come up with a new euphemism.

    Abolish the R word my ass.
  18. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    As someone who has worked with special needs kids, I can tell you they take "retard" very, very seriously. "Retard" and "Fag/Faggot" are the two words I've seen that have had a massive amount of backlash against them over the past few years, to the point where I won't use them and I kind of cringe when I do hear them. I don't get offended, but I can see how someone else might.

    I know when kids use "retard" they're not referring to retarded people. I get that. Still, what they don't understand (and the same reason people get upset about "fag") is that you're taking a term used to refer to a specific group of people, and using it as an insult or to mean 'stupid.' Its like if I see something dumb and I say "man, that's so fucking Irish" or "God damn, that is Italian!" as an insult. I'm pretty sure Italians and Irish people wouldn't be thrilled to hear that the name associated with them is also a slang insult for "stupid" or "bad." For the example to really work, insert any racial slur against Irish or Italian people in the place of Irish or Italian.

    That said, there is literally 1 word in the entire English language I would never, ever use. Therefore, it is not even a hard choice for which one is the worst.

    Also, anyone else find it strange that "fuck" has an asterisk in it in the 2nd line of the survey, but in "I'm here to fuck Kojak" is totally cool? That's some cunt-punting mother-fucking asshole bullshit right god damned there.

    Finally... Cuntpunt. Hyphenated? Cunt-punt? No? I think that should be the REAL survey.
  19. mav_ian

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Victoria, Australia
    I avoid saying some of these, not to avoid causing offense to others, but because it's unbecoming. To an extent I agree with those that say these are just words, and words alone don't harm anyone, but I think some sort of common decency can be practiced without being an oversensitive, guilt assuming victim of political correctness gone mad. Being offended is nothing to go on about or grant you special rights; I'm offended by a lot of things on a daily basis but what should anyone care. By the same token, being rude to others with no real call for it is just obnoxious, and if you make that choice you can't expect anyone to respect what you say, and you're probably an idiot.

    Spoilered because no one probably cares.
    "Nigger" strikes me as a word that basically plants a flag saying "yes, I am racist, and I hate black people." Is the alternatively spelled "nigga" no longer accepted as a different, more flexible term? Because that's how I generally thought of it in hip-hop and the like, but I guess that can be considered a cop-out and no one in the media seems to be making the distinction anymore. In principal I'd be fine using the word in a quote, as long as the context was clear, but personally I haven't seen a need to say it.
    Now, if I'm in the presence of someone else using the word? What do I have to be offended about? Depending on who it is and what they've said, I'd probably take it as a sign that they're an idiot, and probably not worth spending time with. I generally view "intelligence" as less about being book-smart and more to do with perception; I can't stand what I think of as "willful ignorance" and saying "nigger" usually indicates that. Even if said "ironically," it's a cheap gag that's not clever in and of itself.

    I stopped saying "fag/faggot" in general for pretty much the same reasons, though I'm a bit more fluid on the topic of sexuality (wink wink). It can seem innocuous enough to start out with, but after a while it just gets back to "gay=bad." Some mates and I used to throw "fag" around as an ironic insult, but at some point we realised it wasn't funny anymore and just started sucking each other off. I'll say dumb stuff regarding sexuality if I think I can get a laugh, but using the word "fag" doesn't really occur to me anymore, so it's not like I'm censoring myself by not saying it.

    I'll use "retarded" as an adjective, as in "that's retarded logic," but not the illegitimate noun. I've never yet been called out on it, but if I am that's what I'll stand by. I probably would refrain from saying it around any special needs kids if I the situation arises, because I'm not that big of an arsehole that I'd stand on one retarded principal at the expense of some poor kid's self-esteem, but otherwise i won't budge. It doesn't really come up that much I suppose.

    As for 'cunt,' the whole misogynist element feels like an American attachment to the word. Aside from the body-part, here there doesn't seem to be as much a connection to gender. It's still coarse language though: I'm not going to say it around my Aunt (because she's pastor), my Nanna (she's a nice old lady), or my Mother (she's my Mother), but I don't feel like it plants an "I hate women" flag. If that's how some people perceive it, it's not my problem.

    Of course, none of these are commandments I live by, just general philosophies that I may or may not adhere to in life. And there are times when foul language is turned into an art form.
    Observe: This bloke has been dubbing over an old Aussie sitcom -whose star is now accused of molesting kids, including the one who played his youngest daughter- and produced some inspired stream of conscious rants.
    #159 mav_ian, May 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  20. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Except that you couldn't have this more backwards. The word 'retard' had - and still has - a legitimate definition before advocacy groups tried to hijack it and make it their political correctness battle cry.

    Unlike 'faggot' and 'nigger,' two epithets that are both rooted in hatred, 'retard' is a verb that literally means 'to slow down.' It isn't an insult, primarily; it became one over time as a secondary use, an extension of its original meaning. When a person calls someone or something 'retarded,' they don't actually mean, "You have Down's Syndrome." It's just another manner of calling that someone or something slow/defective/inadequate. There is no fundamental difference between 'retard,' 'moron,' and 'idiot' when used as insults, and yet, only the first one causes problems. That kind of inconsistency is fucking retarded.

    Yes, it can "refer to a specific group of people," but it has other, more substantiated uses. Context is important. How much longer before people demand that retarders (mechanical components that do exactly what their name implies) go by a different name? 'Handy-capablers' don't sound nearly as useful.

    None of this is meant in defense of using the word as an insult (another matter entirely) but the way members of society haphazardly go about commandeering various words to suit an agenda is...dumb.